twenty six

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"He's beautiful," Scott whispers as he holds the newborn in his arms.

"Marky, I'm so proud of you," Mason leans down and kisses the Omega. "You did so well."

Mark smiles tiredly as he looks up at Mason. He's exhausted, but happy at the same time. It had been a very long and hard pregnancy, but he did it and now, the baby is finally here. Happy, and healthy, and... that's all that matters to Mark. "Thanks, Masey. You're up next."

Mason freezes. "B-But... not for awhile, right?" He asks.

Scott chuckles as he looks up at the Omega. "I thought you wanted to be pregnant?"

"I-I do, it's just... it's scary," Mason mumbles.

"It is scary, but it's worth it once you finally have your baby in your arms," Mark smiles.

"Speaking of, come over here and hold your son," Scott says.

Mason takes a deep breath before walking to Scott. He hasn't gotten a chance to hold the baby yet, and he's absolutely terrified. There's so many things that could go wrong and he doesn't want to be the one who messes everything up. Having a child is a lot of responsibility.


"M-Maybe Mark should-"

"Mason," Scott warns gently. "Hold your arms out."

Mason does as he's told. His eyes widen as the baby is placed in his arms. "Wow," he breathes.

"Hold his head up," Scott reminds him, before making his way over to the bed. He smiles as he watches Mason coo over the baby. He glances down at Mark before sitting on the edge of the bed. "This is perfect. This is everything I've ever wanted. You did so well Mark."

"Thank you Alpha," Mark beams as he looks up at Scott.

"Didn't I tell you? We were going to have a boy," Scott grins. "I just can't wait to watch him grow up, and teach him everything he'll need to know. He's going to be so strong."

"You said you would love him no matter if he's an Omega or an Alpha," Mark reminds him.

"And, I will. I'll always love him unconditionally. Like I said before, an Alpha is just what I'd prefer to have, but that doesn't mean I'll love him less if he's an Omega. That's not the case at all," Scott leans down and then he gently kisses Mark's forehead. "Don't worry, sweetheart. Everything's going to be just fine."

"Is everybody going to come visit us?" Mark asks. "I want them to meet Andy."

Scott smiles and nods. "They will be here soon. I called Kevin as soon as you went into labor,"

"I'm tired," Mark mumbles as he leans his head against the pillow, yawning.

"It's been a long night. Get some sleep. We'll wake you up if anyone comes by or if something happens. This will be a good time for me and Mase to spend time with the little guy," Scott tells him.

"Thank you Alpha," Mark says, his eyes slowly closing.

Mason looks over at Scott and smiles, then walks over to him. "He looks just like Marky," he whispers.

"He does," Scott agrees. "He's beautiful. You're okay with Mark naming the baby?"

"Mark is the one who carried him so... it's only fair that he gets to name him. Andrew is a cute name," Mason says. "I'm just so happy that he's finally here. With us."

"I know, and you're going to be such a good dad," Scott smiles as he looks up at Mason.

Mason blushes. "I'm just going to try my best," he whispers. He's definitely been having his own doubts, but he knows that everything will be fine as long as he gives it his best.

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now