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"What do we do now?" Matt asks, looking around at all the others, after Scott has left with his Omegas.

"Maybe we should start working on dinner?" Kevin suggests. "We have a lot of people to cook for."

"Or, we could just order pizza, or something else?" Avi also suggests. "I wouldn't want you two to spend our first night making dinner for everyone. That wouldn't be fair to you guys."

"I'm okay with ordering pizza," Kevin grins. "Sir left us some money for the whole weekend."

"Please, let us pay," Beau offers. "Save that money for something else."

Kirstie's eyes light up. "Really? Maybe we can go shopping this weekend!" She claps her hands excitedly.

"The weather is supposed to be nice this weekend. What about a picnic tomorrow?" Matt suggests.

"That sounds fun. We would probably have to ask Alpha Scott though first to see if it's okay with him," Kevin says. "He might not like us to do something like that without him here."

"Kev," Avi walks over to him and places a hand on Kevin's shoulder. "Scott brought us over here so that we could look after all of you and make sure you have fun this weekend. I understand your concerns, but Scott is on vacation right now with his Omegas. We don't want to disturb him, do we?"

Kevin bites his lip slightly. "I guess not. We just don't normally do stuff like this so I'm a bit worried,"

"Don't worry, Kevin. We'll make sure that everyone is safe at all times," Beau assures him.

"Come on, Kev. It will be so much fun. We can make a bunch of food and snacks. Plus, it will be good for the Omegas to go outside for a little bit. Alpha Avi and Alpha Beau will protect them. I know it," Matt says.

"Now-" Beau turns and looks at Avi. "Do you really think Mark or Mason will get pregnant?"

Avi chuckles. "I was just messing with him. But, it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they do get pregnant. Scott has been wanting to settle down with them for awhile now," he says.

"Sir will make a great parent, and so will Mark and Mason. I'm happy for them if they do," Kevin smiles.

Kirstie squeals. "Can you imagine? A little baby running around here? That would be so cute!"

"Sounds like you're wanting a baby of your own," Esther chuckles.

Kirstie huffs. "I need an Alpha in order for that to happen. It feels like it'll never happen," she complains.

Esther gently places a hand on Kirstie's shoulder. "It'll take time," she tells her. "It'll happen. Don't worry."

After about an hour, everyone settles in pretty well. Kirstie catches up with Esther while Kevin and Matt talk about what food they should bring to the picnic tomorrow.

Beau, however, has been wanting to talk to Mitch. He hasn't stopped thinking about him ever since Scott introduced the two together. The Omega is just so cute. Beau wants to know more about him.

"You doin' alright?" Beau asks as he sits beside Mitch on the couch.

Mitch blushes, and he slowly nods. "I'm fine, thank you Alpha," he says shyly. "I-It's just the first time Alpha Scott has been gone since I've been here. I'm a little bit nervous."

"That's okay. You have every right to be nervous. But, you trust us, don't you?"

"Of course, Alpha!" Mitch nods quickly and looks at Beau. "If Alpha Scott trusts you, then so do I."

"So, you're the new guy, huh?"

Mitch looks over and shrinks down slightly when he sees Avi, feeling slightly intimidated.

Avi chuckles. "I'm not going to hurt you," he says.

Mitch stares at him. "Your voice is so deep!" He exclaims, before his eyes widen. "I'm so sorry, Alpha!"

"No need to apologize, I get that a lot," Avi shrugs his shoulders, and then sits down on the chair.

"He does. It's very annoying," Esther adds, rolling her eyes.

"Anyways- Mitch, what would you like to do this weekend?" Beau asks, looking back at Mitch.

Mitch blushes. "Well, I-I don't really know, Alpha. Shopping sounds fun to me," he says. "Alpha Jacob never let me leave the house before so I'm happy with whatever we do."

Beau scoffs. "Never offense, and pardon my language, but your old Alpha sounds like an asshole,"

"I ran away for a reason, Sir," Mitch says.

"Your very sassy. Has anyone ever told you that?" Beau asks.

Mitch giggles. "My mouth got me in trouble when I was a little boy. My parents would agree with you,"

"Speaking of," Avi begins. "Scott said your parents are coming to pick you up? Any idea when?"

"No, Sir-" Mitch shakes his head. "Alpha Scott just said that I might be here for awhile."

"That's correct," Kevin nods. "His parents are very busy right now, and Scott agreed to look after Mitch until they can find time to make it back to Texas to pick him up."

Kirstie pouts. "I don't want Mitch to leave," she sighs sadly, knowing eventually he would have to leave.

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now