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"Hey, I'm very proud of you boys for sticking up for Mitch like that," Scott says once they're home and getting the groceries out of the car. "I'm sure it meant a lot to him when you said that."

"Well, it's true," Mason says as he takes a few bags from Scott. "Us Omegas have to stick together."

"We won't get anywhere if we don't stick together," Mark adds.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks as he looks over at the two Omegas.

"We want Omegas to have more rights," Mason says. "Just look at where Mitch came from. He had to runaway from his Alpha because of the way he was treated. He would have never had to do that if Omegas had more rights. We got very lucky with you, Alpha. But some Omegas, aren't so lucky."

Scott smiles softly, and gently kisses Mason's forehead. "Go take the groceries to the kitchen, okay?"

Mason starts walking to the house, and Mark follows him.

"Wonderful!" Kevin smiles as soon as he sees Mark and Mason with the groceries. "How was the trip?"

"It was okay," Mason says as he places the bags on the kitchen table. "Alpha met Mitch's old Alpha."

Kevin instantly looks over at Mason. "Oh no. Did anything happen? Is Mitch okay?"

"Nothing happened. Don't worry," Scott says as he walks into the kitchen with more groceries. "He just tried to take Mitch back but of course, I wasn't going to let that happen. I'm glad we were able to get ahold of Mitch's parents otherwise tonight might have turned out differently."

"I'm glad nothing terrible happened. Is Mitch okay?" Kevin asks.

"He's fine, just a little shaken up is all. I can see why he run away from that Alpha," Scott scoffs.

"He's in a safer place now," Kevin smiles. "Are there anymore groceries?"

"Yeah... there's a couple left in the car," Scott says, before walking out of the kitchen.

"Can I help put away the groceries?" Mason asks excitedly.

Kevin chuckles. "Sure, Mason. I like that you're helping around the house more. That's nice," he says.

"He wants to make the rest of us look bad," Mark pouts and walks out of the kitchen.

Mason giggles as he watches Mark. "That's so not true. Mark's the lazier one of the two of us. And since Alpha Scott doesn't force us to do any house cleaning work..."

"Well, it's still nice to have a little extra help every now and then," Kevin smiles at him.

After dinner, Scott finds himself in the living room with his Omegas. Kirstie and Mitch have already gone to bed. It had been quite a day for Mitch so he wanted to sleep it off.

Mason giggles as Scott peppers his face with kisses. He looks over when he hears footsteps.

"Sir?" Kevin speaks up, earning Scott's attention. "I'm sorry to interrupt. We have a slight issue."

Scott groans and then he unwraps his arms from Mason, before pushing himself up. "Alright," he says, looking up at Kevin. "How serious is this issue?"

"Not that serious, but it needs to be taken care of right away," Kevin says.

"Okay. What is it?" Scott asks curiously.

"I just got a call from Beau. The building where the Alpha's meetings are usually held got flooded. So, now there's no place for the meeting to be held. Beau suggested the meeting be held here," Kevin says.

"What? Is he crazy? Absolutely not. Tell him no. I'm not having that many Alphas over when I now have four Omegas in the house," Scott scoffs and shakes his head.

"Sir, you have the biggest house. It would be fine. I can just take the Omegas downstairs or something," Kevin says. "Plus, these are all Alphas that we trust. I doubt anyone would try to do something."

Scott sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Is there really no place else we can have the meeting?"

"Considering the meeting is in two days... I doubt it," Kevin says.

"Let me just call Beau and talk to him about it," Scott stands up from the couch. "Boys, I'll be right back-" He follows Kevin out of the living room.

Mark frowns and looks over at Mason. "Something always gets in the way..."

"I know," Mason scoots over to Mark and cuddles next to him. "But, there's nothing we can do about it."

Ultimately, Scott agrees to have the meeting at his house, since his house is the biggest.

Scott wouldn't mind having the meeting at his house if only he didn't have so many Omegas. He knows how geedy Alphas can get sometimes. He just hopes that they'll be able to keep the Omegas safe.

"And, everything is set. Everyone agreed to have the meeting here," Kevin says, looking over at Scott.

"God, I am so not looking forward to this-" Scott groans.

"It'll be fine, Sir. Nothing will happen," Kevin tries to assure him.

"I know we can trust a lot of the Alphas. But, you saw how Zachary looked at Mark and Mason when I brought them to one of the meetings. He made them totally uncomfortable," Scott argues.

"Well, we can always hire a couple of security guards if you're really worried," Kevin suggests.

"I don't want to do that but it's something that I'll definitely keep in mind," Scott nods.

Two days later, the house is ready for the Alpha meeting. The basement is a nice space for the Omegas to go so the other Alphas won't bother them. They have a TV, board games, puzzles, and everything they need to keep themselves entertained for a couple of hours so Scott doesn't feel too bad.

"You've really outdone yourself this time, Kevin," Scott says as he looks around at all the food.

Kevin smiles proudly as he looks up at Scott. "Thank you, Sir. I just hope the Alphas like what I made,"

"They will. If they don't, they have terrible taste. I can't believe you stayed up all night!" Scott exclaims.

"Mark and Mason actually with quite a bit. They were wonderful helpers really, but I couldn't allow them to stay up too late or else they would be grumpy all day," Kevin says.

"Yes, Mark can be very grumpy when he doesn't get his sleep," Scott chuckles.


Scott looks over and chuckles when he sees Mark standing in the doorway with a pouty look on his face. "Come on, you know it's true, Mr. Grumpy," he looks up when he hears a knock at the door. "Beau's here." He walks out of the kitchen and goes to the front door.

Scott opens the door and looks up to see Alpha Beau, one of his friends.

"Scott," Beau greets. "Good to see you again." He hugs Scott before Scott allows him into the house.

"You're the first to show. Though, I'm not surprised. I still have to get the Omegas out of the way,"

"I heard you had four now?" Beau asks as he looks over at Scott with raised eyebrows.

"Yes," Scott chuckles. "Well, not permanently. I'm looking after him until his parents can come get him. It's... a long and complicated story. Why don't you come meet him?"

"I would love to," Beau smiles, and follows Scott to the living room, where they find Mitch and Kirstie.

"Mitch," Scott says when he sees them. "There's someone I want you to meet."

Mitch looks over and his eyes widen when he sees the Alpha standing next to Beau, though his fear quickly fades away. This Alpha seems different. For some reason, Mitch doesn't feel afraid of him.

"Mitch, this is Beau. He's one of my good friends," Scott introduces the two.

"H-Hi Alpha," Mitch blushes as he shakes hands with the Alpha.

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