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"We're here, boys," Scott smiles as he walks into the hotel room, Mark and Mason behind him.

"Look at the balcony!" Mark exclaims excitedly, running over to the window. "There's a beach, Alpha!"

Scott chuckles, placing their bags down on the bed. "Wow. Kevin did an excellent job at picking the hotel," he says, glancing quickly around the room before looking over at Mason. "Do you like it Mase?"

"Yes, Alpha. This is so nice. Thank you for bringing us here," Mason says.

"I think we all needed this," Scott sighs softly. "I love the others and I know I need to look after Mitch now, but I need time with my Omegas. I can't imagine how you two felt whenever I wasn't around."

Mark walks over to Scott. "You didn't bring us here so we could get pregnant, did you?" He asks.

Scott looks over at Mark in surprise. "That wasn't the purpose of this trip, no. Why do you ask?"

"I just... hearing Alpha Avi talk about it made me nervous. I would like to have kids with you and Mase, but... maybe not right now. I'm just not ready for that step yet. There's too much going on and it would just be too stressful. I wanna have kids when it's just the three of us and we can settle down,"

Scott leans over and he kisses Mark sweetly. "Yes. I'm really glad we're on the same page, sweetheart. But, I do... plan on having you two to myself this weekend. It's hard to have any alone time in that house without someone interrupting us. We don't want another Kirstie accident,"

Mark covers his now red face with his hands. "Oh my God! That was so embarrassing!"

Mason giggles. "It wasn't funny at the time, but looking back... I can't help but laugh," he says.

"Can we talk about something else, please?" Mark groans.

Scott chuckles and wraps his arm around Mark's shoulder, pulling him close and kissing his forehead. "Okay, how about we unpack. We'll go out and get some dinner, and then we shower," he suggests. "Then, tomorrow... we can go to the beach bright and early and spend the whole day there."

Mark gasps. "That sounds like so much fun!" He bounces on his feet excitedly.

Mark and Mason start unpacking their things immediately.

"This weekend is going to be so much fun!" Mark exclaims as he crawls onto the bed. "Just us two, and Alpha. We haven't had time like this together since it was just us and Kevin."

"I know, we're so lucky Alpha was able to think of a solid plan so we can get away," Mason smiles.

Mark crawls over to Mason and then kisses him, surprising the other Omega. The kiss continues, and Mark pushes Mason down on his back as they continue to kiss, causing Mason to moan.

Scott walks out of the bathroom and chuckles when he sees the two Omegas, though he's not surprised. "Couldn't wait, huh?" He leans against the wall.

Mark jumps and pulls away from Mason, looking over at Scott with wide eyes. "Alpha! You scared me!"

Mason quickly pushes himself up in sitting position. "Are we in trouble, Alpha?" He asks nervously.

"Of course not. You know I don't mind when you two do that," Scott says. "I wish we could continue this, but we haven't eaten since we left the house. We should go get some dinner."

Mark smiles, and jumps off the bed, running to put his shoes on.

"What do you think the others are doing right now?" Mason asks as he also puts on his shoes.

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now