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"Okay. Everybody's here-" Scott looks at all the Omegas on the couch.

"Alpha, I'm hungry," Kirstie complains as she rests her head against Mason's shoulder.

"Yes, I know. We'll be getting lunch soon. But first we have to talk about Mitch," Scott looks over at Mitch. "Now, Mitch's parents are in Florida. They're busy right now so they won't be able to come back to Texas for a few more months. Mitch is going to be staying with us until then."

"Yay!" Kirstie claps as she looks over at Mitch. "Another friend!"

Scott smiles, though he can't help but notice Mark and Mason looking less than thrilled.

"So, we should go out to lunch. What do you guys want?" Scott asks, looking around at the Omegas.

"McDonalds!" Kirstie jumps up from the couch. "Please Alpha?"

"Sure, sounds good to me. Put your shoes on, guys-" Scott watches as all the Omegas, except for Mark, walk out of the living room. Scott frowns slightly and walks over to Mark. "Are you going?"

Mark takes a deep breath. "I'd like to stay home please," he mumbles.

"By yourself?" Scott chuckles and shakes his head. "Not a chance. Go get your shoes on."

Mark looks up at Scott. "I can look after myself, Alpha," he snaps, surprising Scott by his attitude. Normally, Mark is a soft spoken and calm Omega. He never back talks or snaps at his Alpha.

"This has nothing to do with whatever or not you can take care of yourself, Mark. Anything could happen to you while we're gone and I'm not taking that chance," Scott says, still remaining calm.

"I'm not going!" Mark shouts before standing up and storming out of the living room.

Scott sighs with frustration and runs a hand over his face, before going to find Mason. Mason is finishing with putting his shoes on in the hallway with Kirstie, but Scott quickly grabs his arm to earn his attention. "What the hell is going on with Mark?"

"I don't know!" Mason's eyes widen as he stares at Scott.

Scott glares at him. "If anyone knows why he's acting up, it's going to be you. So talk," he demands.

"Alpha, you're hurting me-" Mason whimpers as he tries to pull his arm away from Scott.

Scott stares at him, and then let's go of his arm. "I'm sorry," he mumbles.

"I can go talk to him," Kevin says calmly, staring at Scott. "You get the other Omegas in the car."

Scott looks over at Kevin and sighs. "We're not leaving this house without him," he warns. "So either you get him to come back down here or we're staying home. It's ridiculous that he would even think that I would allow him to stay home by himself." He scoffs. "Everybody, out. In the car. Let's go." He watches as Kirstie and Mason rush out to the car. He looks over and sees Mitch standing by the door.

Mitch hesitates before going outside, and following Mason and Kirstie to the car.

"Fuck me," Scott mumbles to himself before quickly following the Omegas out to the car. He watches as Kirstie and Mitch pile into the car first. He quickly grabs a hold of Mason before he gets in.

Mason's eyes widen as he looks over at Scott.

Scott looks at Mason's arm, and sees that it's slightly red from where he grabbed it earlier. "Shit, Mason. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to take my frustration out on you. Are you okay?"

Mason slowly nods. "I-I'm fine, Alpha," he replies.

Scott leans forward and kisses him, before allowing him to climb into the back of the seat. Scott gets into the front seat and impatiently waits until Kevin finally brings Mark out of the house.

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now