twenty two

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"I can't believe there's a baby in there," Scott smiles as Mark stands in front of him, Scott's hands on Mark's waist. "He'll be here in just a few months. We're going to be parents."

Mark giggles. "Alpha, we don't know the gender yet-"

"It's a boy," Scott looks up at him. "He'll be an Alpha, and he'll be strong."

Mark rolls his eyes. "Well, I'll love him even if he turns out to be a girl, especially an Omega."

"Hey, I'll still love them too. It's just what I want," Scott leans forward and he kisses Mark's little bump. "You look so good right now. God, I want you so bad."

"Alpha, you know how I feel about being pregnant and having sex,"

Scott instantly looks up at Mark. "Hey, you know that I would never do anything that makes you uncomfortable," he says.

"I know that, Alpha. I was just sayin'. Besides, that's what Masey's for," Mark says.

"What?" Mason immediately looks up at Mark and frowns, hurt by Mark's comment. "Wait just a minute, are you saying I'm only here to be used as Alpha's sex toy?" He pushes himself up.

Mark looks over at Mason. "Huh? No, you know that's not what I meant," he says.

"Well, that's what it felt like," Mason snaps before pushing himself up and then storming out of the room.

Mark gasps. "Masey!" He tries to follow him, but Scott stops him. "I-I didn't mean to hurt his feelings."

"It's okay, sweetheart. I'll take care of him," Scott stands up and gently kisses Mark. "You relax." He helps Mark sit down on the bed and then walks out of the bedroom. He walks to the kitchen, only to find Kevin in the kitchen, comforting Mason. Scott takes a deep breath before walking into the kitchen. "Mason."

Mason jumps at the sound of Scott's voice and quickly wipes away his tears.

"Can I speak to him alone, Kevin?" Scott asks.

"Yes. Of course, Sir," Kevin nods and looks down at Mason. "You know where to find me if you need me." He glances at Scott before walking out of the kitchen.

Scott sighs, and then he walks over to Mason. "Mase, you know Mark didn't mean it like that..."

"Then why did it hurt so bad when he said it?" Mason asks, looking up at Scott with teary eyes. "I mean, I-I've always felt like you loved Mark more than me, so this was just the cherry on top."

"What?" Scott instantly puts his arm around Mason, shocked to hear Mason say this. "Mason, come on. that's not true at all. I love both of you equally. Do you really think that I love you less?"

Mason shrugs his shoulders and looks down, not knowing how to respond.

"Mason," Scott warns. "You should have said something to me sooner."

"And say what, Alpha?" Mason asks, shrugging Scott's arm away from him and turning to look at him. "How am I meant to say what I'm feeling without looking like a total asshole?"

"Mason," Scott growls, earning a whimper from the Omega. "Do you not want to be a part of this relationship anymore? Would you like me to find you a different Alpha? Is that what you want?"

"No," Mason lets out a sob. "I'm sorry, Alpha."

Scott sighs and shakes his head. "Well, we need to figure this out now. Mark is pregnant and the baby will be here in a few months, and I need things to be as less stressful for Mark as possible," he snaps. "There's already so much shit going on now and I don't need this added on top of it." He turns around and storms out of the kitchen without saying another word.

Mason buries his face in his hands as tears pour out of his eyes. He's never had a fight like this with his Alpha before and now he's scared that he's gone and screwed everything up.

Mason doesn't go back to his shared bedroom with Mark and Scott, feeling ashamed and embarrassed, and he figured that Alpha Scott doesn't want to see him right now anyways.

There's a knock at the guest bedroom door. Mason's sitting at the edge of the bed, facing the wall.

"Mason?" The door opens, and Kevin walks in. "Dinner is ready. Will you please come out?"

"I'm not hungry," Mason mumbles, sniffing a few times.

"You're not allowed to skip meals, you know that Mason," Kevin says softly.

"I'm not going to die if I skip one meal," Mason snaps. He takes a deep breath and looks over at Kevin. "I'm sorry, Mr. Kevin. I-I'll just have something later. I promise."

Kevin sighs. "You're worried about Mark and Scott?"

Mason flinches. "I-I don't deserve to see them right now," he says.

"You're not trying to punish yourself, are you?" Kevin asks, frowning. "Mason, you did nothing wrong."

"Kevin, please. I just want to be alone right now. I'll come out later," Mason says.

"I'm checking on you in an hour," Kevin says, before walking out of the bedroom. He shuts the door, and looks over to see Mark waiting for him. Kevin shakes his head. "He's not coming out."

Mark hangs his head. "I'm so stupid. I should have never said that about Masey," he sniffs.

"I think everybody just needs some time to themselves for a bit," Kevin gently rubs Mark's arms. "I'm sure Mason will come out later and talk to you. Right now, you need to eat. You're eating for two now after all!"

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