twenty nine

364 35 5

One more chapter left x


"Where's my Alpha?" Mitch whines, looking up at Scott.

"He's at home," Scott tells him. "We'll be there in a few minutes and then you can see him. Okay?"

"Today was the worst day ever. I thought it was going to be fun hanging out with Mark and Mason but Baby Andy doesn't like me. I didn't even get to hold him. Is it going to be like that when I have my own baby?"

Scott frowns and glances over at Mitch. "No, of course not. All babies are different. Yours will rely on you, just like Andy relies on Mark. I'm sorry you didn't have as much fun as you hoped," he says.

"It was fun hanging out with Mark and Mason. I miss everyone," Mitch says.

"Yeah. We'll have to talk to Beau about moving you two closer so we can see each other more,"

"Do you think he would do that?" Mitch asks, sitting up.

"I think so," Scott smiles and nods. "It might just take a lot of convincing. Okay, we're here."

Mitch looks up and he squeals excitedly when he sees the house. "Yay!" He tries to open the door door, but pouts when the door doesn't open. "Alpha! The doors broken!"

Scott laughs and unlocks the door. "It was just locked, honey," he says.

"Oh," Mitch blushes, and finally pushes the door open. He jumps out of the car. He looks over at Scott. "Aren't you coming, Alpha? You said you would."

"Yeah, I am. Just hold on a second-" Scott pulls out his phone and then he sends a quick text to Beau, letting him know that they just arrived at the house. He gets out of the car and follows Mitch to the porch. "Beau gave you a pair of keys, right?"

"Yes, Alpha," Mitch pulls out the keys, and unlocks the door. He walks in and frowns when he sees that the lights are turned off. He looks up at Scott. "I thought you said Alpha was home?"

"Just keep walking," Scott chuckles, gently pushing Mitch forwards.

Mitch hesitates, before walking forward. He walks down the hallway and to the living room nervously. "Alpha?" He calls. He looks up and he gasps when he sees all the candles lit, roses all over the floor. Mitch gasps and slowly walks into the living room, shock written all over his face.

"Welcome home, sweetheart,"

Mitch jumps and looks over, seeing Beau standing in the living room with a smile on his face. "Alpha!"

Beau smiles wider. "Are you surprised?"

"Alpha, wh-what is all of this?" Mitch asks, continuing to look around at everything Beau set up.

"For you," Beau says, walking closer to Mitch. "I wanted to surprise you. I couldn't have done this without Scott's help, of course. It was more of a team effort."

"Wow. This is all for me?" Mitch asks. He runs over and hugs Beau tightly. "I love you, Alpha!"

Beau chuckles as he hugs Mitch back. "I love you too, Mitchy," he whispers. He kisses Mitch once before he pulls away from the hug. "Are you hungry? We have dinner made."

"It smells yummy. What did you make?" Mitch asks excitedly.

"Spaghetti," Beau says. "Have a seat." He pulls the chair out for Mitch and has him sit down. "I'll be back." He leans down and gently kisses Mitch's forehead before exiting the living room. He finds Scott waiting in the kitchen. "Thank you for doing all of this. So far, everything is going as planned."

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now