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"So, all three of you are in a relationship...?"

Scott looks over when he hears Mike talking to Mark and Mason. They ordered pizza, because there's far too many people to cook dinner for now. They've never had this many people stay over at the house.

"Yes, Sir..." Mason replies, nodding. "We belong to Scott, see-" he points at their marks.

"It just seems... unnatural to me?" Mike looks at the two back and forth.

Scott instantly sets the plate in his hands down, ready to jump in to protect his Omegas.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Alpha," Mark says. "But, we're happy, and I hope that we can change your mind after your stay here. We're just like any other relationship, except with three people and not two."

Scott smiles proudly at the Omegas, proud that they didn't get upset at the Alpha for his hurtful words, and proud that they were able to stick up for themselves. It's not the first time someone has questioned their relationship. They were used to it by now, unfortunately. But, they don't let that stop them.

"Boys, I have your plates ready," Scott says. "Follow me."

"It was nice chatting to you, Alpha," Mason says before he and Mark follow Scott out of the kitchen. "Gosh, that was so awkward. I hope it's not like that while they're here."

"I know, but you handled it very well. I'm so proud of you," Scott smiles at him.

"We learned from you," Mark grins. "You taught us to be respectful, even when others aren't."

Scott reaches over and kisses Mark, before leading the way into the living room, where a couple others were already sitting down and eating. Harry Potter is on the TV, Kirstie's request of course.

"Have a seat," Scott watches as the two Omegas sit on the chair, before handing them their plates.

"Thank you, Alpha!" Mason smiles as he takes the plate from Scott.

"I'll come back with your drinks in a minute," Scott says to the two, before walking out of the living room. He walks into the kitchen, and starts getting Mason and Mark's drinks.

"I must say, I'm impressed so far," Mike says to Scott.

"Impressed?" Scott asks, looking over at Mike with raised eyebrows. "Why do you say that?"

"You have two Omegas, they both seem very respectful. Some Alphas can't even handle one Omega, so that's very impressive to me. You handle your pack so well, and you're the only Alpha?"

"That's very nice," Scott smiles. "I want nothing but the best for my pack, as any Alpha would."

"I would still like to say, but my mind is already starting to change about leaving Mitch here," he says.

Scott can't be more relieved. It's only been a few hours, and Mike is already changing his mind. He just has to hope that nothing horrible happens while Mike and Nel are staying at their house.

"We should stay home while Mike and Nel are here," Scott says to Beau after dinner.

"You're worried about something happening, aren't you?" Beau asks.

"Of course I am. Aren't you?" Scott asks, frowning.

"Yes. I'm just really trying not to panic now, because I don't want to say or do anything stupid," Beau says. "We all want Mitch to stay, so we just have to be on our best behavior."

Scott nods. "Yeah, I totally understand what you're thinking, Beau..." he mumbles. "This is just stressful, and I hate it. I want to be back on vacation." He pouts and crosses his arms against his chest.

Beau chuckles. "Just one more day or two, and everything will be back to normal. Hopefully," he says, patting Scott's back before going back to the living room with Scott. Beau goes to sit with Mitch while Scott heads over to Mark and Mason and cuddles them both.

Mark giggles as he looks down at his Alpha. "Alpha, you're stressing yourself out, aren't you?"

Scott pouts and buries his face in Mark's chest. "I just want cuddles," he mumbles.

"I'm not going to say no to cuddles," Mark says, wrapping his arms around Scott's waist.

"There's no need to stress, Alpha. Alpha Mike is really impressed with you so far, I can tell," Mason says. "Just keep doing what you're doing and everything will turn out fine." He reaches over and gently rubs Scott's back, hoping to calm him down. "At least you know you did everything you could."

Mason glances over at Beau and Mitch and frowns at the two. He sees how happy they are together despite only being together for about two months. He hopes Mr. Grassi will see their happiness and will have the heart not to separate the two. He knows Mitch would be heartbroken if he had to leave.

Before they go to bed, Scott grabs Mitch and pulls him aside so no one can hear them talking.

"How are you feeling, Mitchy?" Scott asks, looking down at the Omega.

Mitch takes a deep breath. "I'm feeling a little nervous. My father is very... he can be tough sometimes, that's what I remember as a kid. I just don't want to leave. I love my parents, but i want to stay here,"

Scott nods. "I know, we're doing everything we can to make sure you don't go, okay?"

"I know, Alpha," Mitch nods. "Everything seems to be going well so far?"

Scott chuckles. "Yeah, let's just hope it stays that way," he says, gently patting Mitch's back.

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now