twenty eight

370 33 16

A/N: okay I know the last few chapters have been scomarson focused (sorry about that) but, here's a meau chapter to hopefully make up for the lack of meau! :)


"Mason's pregnant?" Beau asks as he stands in the kitchen, on the phone with Scott.

"Yeah," Scott confirms. "You don't sound too excited about that?"

"No, I am. I'm happy for both of you, and Mark. I'm just surprised. Mark just finished being pregnant?" Beau leans against the counter, watching as Mitch colors in one of his coloring books.

"Yes, but... we agreed that we wanted to have our children close in age so they can grow up together," Scott says. "Mason's really excited. He's always wanted to have his own child."

"I do recall hearing him talk about it before," Beau says.

"So, how're you and Mitch? Is he doing alright?" Scott asks. "We miss him around here."

"Yeah, I think he misses having the other Omegas to talk to," Beau says. "But, other than that... it's good. It's nice being able to spend quality alone time with him. We didn't get that before."

"Hey, Mark told me you and Mitch were planning for children?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, but we're taking our time with it right now. I know Mitch wants a couple, but I don't want to rush it," Beau sighs. "I mean, we're still getting used to living in our own home. And... I want to propose first."

"Propose?" Scott asks, surprised. "When are you planning to do that?"

"Soon," Beau blushes, even though no one can see him. "I need help though."

"Why didn't you just ask? You know we're willing to help you with anything," Scott tells him.

Beau smiles. "Well firstly, I need someone to watch Mitch so I can set everything up without having him be suspicious about the whole thing. I want it to be a complete surprise," he explains.

"Why don't you bring him over this weekend? He can hang out with Mark and Mason and the baby,"

"That would be great," Beau says. "I'm just... really nervous. What if he says no?"

"Mitch is not going to say no," Scott laughs loudly. "He's so in love with you it's disgusting."

"Scott, I'm being serious," Beau groans. "What if we're moving too fast? It's not even been two years, and we're already living together. I don't want to scare him away."

"You're not moving too fast. You took your time in the beginning, and I'm sure that meant a lot to Mitch, considering all the shit he's been through. It's going to be fine. Trust me, alright? I gotta go."

"Alright. Hey, I'll talk to you later. Bye," Beau says, before hanging up the phone. He sighs, and then he heads to the living room. "Hey, how do you feel about going to Scott's house this weekend?"

Mitch looks up and smiles. "Really?" He asks excitedly.

"Mhm," Beau walks over and he sits beside Mitch, wrapping an arm around him. "I've got some stuff to take care of and Scott agreed that you could go over and hang out with Mark and Mason."

Mitch gasps. "And I get to see little baby Andy?"

Beau chuckles and nods. "Yes, of course. I know you've been dying to see him again," he says.

"Yes, every time I see him, it makes me so excited about having my own," Mitch sighs. "Alpha."

"I know, sweetheart. I know," Beau leans down and he gently kisses Mitch's forehead. "It'll happen, and that's a promise. I just don't want to rush. Besides, raising a baby is a lot of responsibility, and I want to make sure that we'll have everything we need and everything ready for a baby to enter our lives."

"How did I end up so lucky?" Mitch smiles and leans against Beau. "My baby will be so spoiled!"

"Of course," Beau laughs. "God, you're so cute."

Mitch giggles and hides his face in Beau's chest so Beau can't see him blushing.

Luckily the weekend arrives, but Beau is feeling nervous about proposing to Mitch. Scott has agreed to help him set everything up. They told the Omegas they're going to an Alpha meeting.

"Kevin and Matt will be here to look after you while Beau and I are gone," Scott says as he stands with Mark and Mason. "I won't be gone for more than a couple of hours. If you need anything, call me. Okay?"

Mark giggles. "Alpha, we'll be fine. We've been home alone before,"

"Yes, but anything can happen. I just want you to be safe-" Scott leans forward and kisses Mark. "And, especially with this little guy here now. I just don't want anything to happen to any of my boys." He smiles at Andy, and then he leans over and kisses Mason as well.

"We'll be safe. I promise Alpha," Mason assures him. "Have fun at your Alpha meeting."

Scott chuckles. "Alpha meetings are never fun," he says, before turning to look at Beau. "Ready to go?"

Beau looks up at Scott and nods. "Yeah," he says. He looks at Mitch. "Behave yourself. I'll be back soon."

"I'll be a good boy. I promise. Bye, Alpha! I love you," Mitch smiles and then he kisses Beau once, before heading to the living room with Mark and Mason and baby Andy too.

"Let's go," Scott leads the way out the door.

"I don't know. Don't you feel bad about lying to them?" Beau asks as they walk off the porch.

"Why? Maybe if we were doing something bad but, we're not. We're planning something nice. Come on, Beau. Don't be so nervous. Everything is going to be fine," Scott tries to assure him.

"I know. There's just a lot that can go wrong," Beau groans.

"Well, nothing is going to go wrong. I'll make sure of that," Scott says, before they get into the car.

They finally make it back to Beau and Mitch's house. Scott takes care of the food while Beau sets up the living room, making it as romantic as he possibly can. He's moved all of the furniture out of the way, and set up a table. There's roses everywhere on the floor and candles lit.

"Wow," Scott says once he sees all the progress Beau has made. "This is amazing, Beau."

Beau looks over at Scott, and smiles. "Thanks. I hope he likes it. This is all for him," he says.

"Mitch is going to love it. You know he's a hopeless romantic," Scott chuckles. "Thanks to all those movies Kirstie made him watch when he first joined the group. I don't blame him though. After his last Alpha."

"God, I don't even want to think about that poor excuse of an Alpha," Beau scoffs.

"Hey, I'm glad Mitch has you now. I know that I was really hard on you in the beginning, but that's only because I was looking out for Mitch. He's been through hell and back," Scott says.

"I know," Beau looks over at Scott. "I'm not mad at you for it. I would have done the same."

Scott nods. "I know you've been looking for an Omega for a long time too,"

"You have no idea how agonizing it is being without an Omega," Beau shakes his head.

"I don't want to imagine. I'm grateful for the two Omegas that I have now," Scott chuckles.

"I was always jealous of you," Beau admits. "Because, you had two Omegas. I didn't even have one. But, you deserve Mark and Mason. They deserve you. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Thanks, Beau. You've never said that before," Scott smiles.

"Yeah. Enough with all of this emotional shit, yeah?" Beau laughs.

"Yeah, please. I'll go finish making dinner," Scott grins, and then he heads back to the kitchen.

Beau looks around and takes a deep breath, trying to see if there's anything else that needs to be done, or anything he can do to make this even more perfect. He wants Mitch to be blown away.

After everything Mitch went through with his old Alpha, it's what he deserves, after all.

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