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a double for RyanKuroRodriguez ^__^

Who else should I bring into the story?
Who should be Kirstie's Alpha?
Should I give Avi an Omega?

I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments/Votes appreciated!


About two months have passed since Mitch arrived in Scott's pack.

Since Scott's little vacation with Mark and Mason, things have been going pretty well. Beau has been staying around a lot more since he talked to Scott about Mitch staying with him. Scott has been watching the two closely to make sure that Beau would be the right Alpha to look after him.

Scott, has almost forgotten about Mitch's parents coming to get him.

Until, now...

"Sir! There's people coming to the door!" Kevin shouts, after looking out the kitchen window.

"Fuck," Scott curses before running down the hallway.

Kevin chuckles and shakes his head. "We need to start that swear jar we talked about before," he says.

"I'm working on it," Scott says before opening the door. He looks up and blinks a few times when he sees a man and a woman. "Hello? Is there something I can help you with?"

"Are you Alpha Scott? We spoke on the phone before. We're Mitch's parents," the man says.

Scott blinks a few times. "Oh, uh-" He looks at the two back and forth. "I wasn't..."

"Apologies that we didn't warn you ahead of time that we were coming. We're just very busy and this is the only time we've managed to get time to come down here. Is Mitchell here? We've been so excited!"

"Y-Yes, he's here. We just weren't expecting you," Scott chuckles nervously.

"I'm Mike, by the way. This is my wife Nel," the man introduces them, shaking Scott's hand. "We really can't thank you enough for looking after Mitch. We were so sure Jacob was right for him."

"Yes, it was quite a shock to us when you first contacted us," Nel nods.

Scott shakes his head. "Unfortunately, that's not the case. I had the pleasure of meeting Jacob before, and I'm glad Mitch managed to get away from him. Mitch, however... seems to be doing very well, and he's already forgotten about Jacob. In fact, another Alpha has caught his eye," he says.

Nel blinks a few times, clearly surprised to hear this. "He's moved on already? After all that...?"

"Follow me. I'll show you exactly what I mean," Scott says, leading the couple into his house. Scott leads the way into the living room, where most of the pack members are hanging out together.

Mitch is cuddled up on the couch with Beau. He looks over when Scott walks into the living room, and his eyes widen with shock the second he sees his parents walk in as well. "Mom? Dad?" He untangles himself from Beau and jumps up, running over to his parents.

Beau pushes himself up, just as shocked as everybody else in the room.

Scott smiles as he watches the young Omega reunite with his parents. He glances over at Beau, before walking over to him. "I wasn't expecting them. We'll talk to them though, I promise."

Beau takes a deep breath and nods. "I'm not ready to lose him yet,"

"Trust me, we aren't either," Scott whispers. He gently squeezes Beau's shoulder before walking back over to the Grassi's. "I bet you're surprised, huh?" He chuckles at Beau.

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now