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"Everything seems alright so far," Scott says when they pull into the driveway of their home.

Mark giggles. "What did you think we were going to find, Alpha?"

Scott raises his eyebrows as he looks back at Mark. "Since when did you become so sassy?"

"I can be sassy when I want to be," Mark grins.

"Clearly," Scott chuckles. "Alright. Wake Mase up, and let's go. I'm eager to see how everything went."

Mark looks down at the sleeping Omega next to him and bites his lip slightly, before reaching over and gently shaking him to wake him up. "Masey, wake up. We're home."

Mason blinks a few times as he starts waking up. He looks up at Mark, confused. "Are we home?"

Mark smiles at Mason's tired voice. "Yeah, Masey. We're home. You slept the whole ride,"

Mason blushes, and pushes himself up. "I'm sorry," he says, letting out a yawn. "Where's Alpha?"

The car door opens, revealing Scott. "I'm right here," he chuckles, and then he helps the two Omegas out. "Come on, let's go in and say hi to everybody."

"Home!" Mason exclaims, running up to the house excitedly. "Alpha, hurry! The doors locked!" He pouts.

"I'm coming," Scott laughs, and walks up to the door, unlocking it, and allows the Omegas to run inside. Scott sighs, and then he makes his way into the house. He looks around, and then he goes to the kitchen, where he's shocked to find Beau and Mitch making out. Mitch is sitting on the counter while they kiss, though he seems relaxed. It doesn't seem like Beau is forcing him, which is one positive "Well," Scott clears his throat to get their attention. "This is certainly not what I expected to find coming home."

Beau instantly pulls away from their kiss, and jumps away from Mitch the second he hears Scott's voice. "Shit, Scott! When did you...?"

"I'll ask the questions here," Scott snaps. "What the hell are you doing, Beau?"

"Scott, it's not what you think," Beau tries to explain.

"No, I think it's exactly what I think. I knew Mitch had a crush on you, but I was hoping you would do the right thing and not jump into something like this with him while I was away," Scott snaps.

"Scott, come on, you know me. I care about each member in your pack. It's just... Mitch and I have spent a lot of time together this weekend-"

"So, that gives you the right to kiss him?" Scott asks.

Beau sighs. "Look, I was going to talk to you anyways about this. I just didn't think it would be right away,"

"About what?" Scott asks, blinking a few times. "Mitch, off the counter please."

"I'm so sorry, Sir-" Mitch quickly slides off the counter and look down, feeling embarrassed.

"Mitch, doesn't want to go live with his parents in a different state. And, we all agreed it would be better if he stays here. He's made so many new friends. I've been looking for a pack. You know that,"

"You're asking me if you can have Mitch?" Scott asks.

"Yes, I'm asking you if he can be in my pack, even possibly my own Omega in due time. Scott, don't you think it would be better if he were with someone you could trust?" Beau asks.

Scott stares at him for a moment, before sighing in defeat. "I really can't argue with that logic. But, I just got home. So, I would like a little time to think about it before I gave you my answer. Is that alright?"

"Of course. I'm so sorry this is how you had to find out. I wanted to approach you differently," Beau says.

"It's fine. I had a feeling it was coming. Uh, anyways... where's everybody else?" Scott asks.

"Most likely in the living room," Beau tells him. Mitch and Beau glance at each other before following Scott out of the kitchen, both left feeling awkward after that encounter.

Scott walks into the living room and sees everybody. Avi is sitting on the couch with Esther and Kirstie while Matt and Kevin are snuggled up on the couch. Mark and Mason are already excitedly talking about how the trip went, and Kirstie showing off her new Disney shirt that she got this weekend.

Avi stands up as soon as he sees Scott and walks over to him. "You don't look so pleased?"

"It's not that. I'm happy to be home with my pack after a weekend away. I just wasn't expecting to find Beau and Mitch making out when I got home," Scott says.

"Ah," Avi nods. "Well, more surprising news. Our Betas are apparently dating."

"What?" Scott asks, looking over at Avi before looking over at Matt and Kevin. "Has everyone suddenly turned into a couple while I was away? What the hell is going on?"

"Damn. I wish Kirstie and I had something going on. That would have been even more hilarious to add," Avi laughs, and shakes his head. "Just those two. You should probably talk to them later on."

Scott sighs. "You should probably stay a couple more days then, Beau as well," he says.

Avi shrugs his shoulders. "Fine by me. How was the trip?"

"It was fine. Some greedy Alpha tried to attack Mason earlier, but other than that... it was great. And no, you won't be expecting any pregnancy news anytime soon. We all agreed we weren't ready for that yet. There's too much going on right now," Scott tells him.

"That's good. As long as we're all on the same page," Avi jokes.

Scott rolls his eyes and chuckles. "So, tell me about your weekend..."

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now