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"Does anyone have any reports?" Scott asks, looking around at all the Alphas in front of him. "Because, there's something that I need to bring up, which isn't usual for me."

"Yeah, we get it Mr. Perfect. Just tell us already," Avi rolls his eyes, though Scott knows he's joking.

"Well, as some of you know... I'm looking after a new Omega, and his name is Mitch, and he's a runaway. Well, I had the displeasure of meeting his Alpha the other day. His name is Jacob, and while I don't think that he's a threat... he still might try to take Mitch back," Scott explains.

"I mean... he has a right," an Alpha speaks up. "Any Alpha would want their Omega back."

"Obviously this Alpha is a bad guy, otherwise Mitch would have never needed to runaway from home," Beau responds, looking over at Alexander before looking back at Scott. "Have you heard from him since?"

"No," Scott shakes his head. "But there could still be a chance that he'll try to hurt Mitch, or one of my Omegas. I won't allow that to happen. I've made a promise to Mitch's parents that I'll keep him safe."

An hour into the meeting, some of the Omegas were already starting to get bored.

"I miss Alpha," Mark pouts and rests his head on Mason's shoulder.

"It's just a couple more hours, Mark. Then you'll get to see him again," Kevin tells him.

"Doubt it," Mason sighs. "He'll be too busy with doing something, Mark and I will get pushed away."

"You know he doesn't mean it. He loves you both very much," Kevin tries to assure him. He looks over when he hears footsteps, and stands up when he sees that it's an Alpha.

Mark's eyes widen as soon as he realizes that it's an Alpha from a meeting he and Mason went to. This Alpha kept trying to touch them and kiss them, being fully aware that the two were already taken. "Mase, it's that Alpha-" he whimpers and wraps his arms around Mason tightly.

"Sir, you cannot be down here-" Kevin says calmly, not wanting to make the Omegas scared.

"No need to worry, Beta. I just wanted to check up on everyone," The Alpha replies as he looks around, his eyes landing on Mark and Mason, and a smirk forms on his face. He starts walking towards the two, but Kevin quickly reaches over and grabs him, stopping him. "Let go of me, Beta." He growls.

Mason gasps and quickly pulls out his phone to call Scott.

Scott is still in the middle of the middle, when his phone suddenly goes off.

"Shit, I'm sorry-" Scott quickly apologizes before grabbing his phone and seeing that it's Mason. "Dammit, Mason." He answers the phone. "Mase, what do you want, I'm busy right now."

"Alpha, we need help!" Mason cries. "The Alpha- He's- Mark!"

Scott's eyes widen when he hears yelling, and he can instantly smell the fear of his Omegas. Scott doesn't even have to think twice to know what's going on. He instantly drops his phone and runs out of the living room, and heads to the basement, where he finds the two bodyguards passed out on the floor. He quickly checks to make sure they're both still breathing, before running downstairs.

Scott looks around and sees Matt trying to protect Kirstie, Mitch and Esther while Kevin is trying to get Zachary away from Mark, and then he sees Mason on the floor, and that's all it takes to anger him.

Scott growls and then he runs over to Zachary, grabbing him harshly and shoving him against the wall, causing Mark to fall down, but Mark instantly crawls over to Mason.

"I warned you, Zach. If you fucking touched my Omegas..." Scott growls, pressing against him harshly.


The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now