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A/N: I done goofed and posted chapter twenty one the other day instead so here is actually chapter twenty enjoy lmao


"You better take care of him," Scott warns as he stands with Beau outside his car with Mitch.

"Do you really think I would allow anything to happen to my Omega, Scott?" Beau asks, beginning to feel annoyed that Scott has little trust in him, even though he's been with Mitch for almost a year.

"Alpha, it's getting late. We have to get the Omega's home!" Kevin calls.

Scott glances over at Kevin before looking back at Beau. "Look, I'm sorry. I know it's frustrating. I've never sent Mitch to be with another Alpha before. I've been taking care of him for the past four years," he says. "If anything were to ever happen to him... I'd never forgive myself."

"Mitch will be just fine. We probably won't even leave the house. I'd just like to see him for more than a few hours for once. But, don't worry. I totally understand why you're protective of him and I'm not mad. Just... try to have a little faith in me," Beau says.

Scott nods, and then looks over at Mitch. "Behave yourself," he warns softly.

Mitch giggles. "I'm always a good boy, Alpha!"

"True," Scott and Beau say at the same time. Scott chuckles. "I have to get going. See you later, Mitch." He gives Mitch a hug before finally walking over to his car. He looks over at Beau and Mitch again, and watches carefully as the two climb into Beau's car.

"I thought we would never be able to leave," Mitch says once they're in the car.

Beau chuckles. "I know, but he's just trying to protect you-"

"But, that's supposed to be your job, Alpha. Don't you get annoyed at all?" Mitch asks, frowning.

"Of course it annoys me. But, there's nothing I can do," Beau says as he starts pulling out of the driveway. "Scott is still your Alpha and you're still in his pack. He's in charge of you."

"That will change though, right? I want you to be my rightful Alpha," Mitch sighs.

"Eventually," Beau looks over at Mitch and smiles. "It just takes time. I need to earn Scott's full trust."

Beau and Mitch finally make it back to Beau's place. It's nowhere near as luxurious as Scott's place, but Mitch doesn't mind. He actually likes Beau's small house. It's very homey, and warm. Just like Beau.

"Have you showered today yet, Mitchy?" Beau asks as he hangs his jacket.

"I took one this morning, Alpha," Mitch replies as he sts on the floor, taking his shoes off.

"Good. You'll take one tomorrow then. How about we sit on the couch, and watch a movie?"

"And have popcorn too?" Mitch asks hopefully as he looks up at his Alpha.

Beau chuckles. "We just ate dinner and desert. Don't you think you've had enough to eat?" He asks.

Mitch pouts. "You can't watch a movie without popcorn, Alpha. It's the rules," he pushes himself up. "Please, just a small popcorn bowl? I promise I won't ask for anything else tonight!"

Beau laughs. "Okay, okay. Just don't tell Alpha Scott," he whispers before taking Mitch to the kitchen.

"I promise, Alpha! Besides, I bet Kirstie's already talked Alpha Scott into making chocolate chip cookies. She talked about them earlier, she's a very good baker," Mitch says.

Beau chuckles. "You Omegas love sugar too much," he says, before grabbing the popcorn down from the cabinet. "The only reason I have half of these snacks is because you ask for them-" He reaches over and gently pokes Mitch, earning a giggle from the Omega.

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now