twenty seven

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Another two months pass, Scott and Mason don't try for another baby until now. Mason had a fear of getting another negative pregnancy test. He couldn't handle another heartbreak.

"Have you and Alpha tried again?" Mark asks, looking over at Mason.

Mason sighs as he looks down at the sleeping baby in his arms. "A few days ago," he says. "I'm scared."

"It's okay to be. You have every right," Mark says. "You shouldn't give up though."

"No, I'm not," Mason shakes his head. "I just needed some time to get over the first negative test. Alpha didn't push me either and that really helped. He's good at that. Giving us time, and not pushing us."

"Speaking of," Mark smiles when Scott walks into the kitchen with some bags in his hands.

"Oh, hey. What are you two doing in here?" Scott sets the bags down.

"Mark got hungry," Mason says. "So we came into the kitchen to find something to eat."

"Did anything happen while I was gone?" Scott asks. "I've never left you two alone before..."

"Nope. It was fine. We didn't have any problems," Mark assures him.

Scott sighs in relief. "Thank God. I know it was only like twenty minutes. But that's enough time for something to go wrong while I'm away. I'm glad we've been working on going to the gym together."

"Me too. I feel better about being able to protect myself," Mason smiles. "So, what did you get, Alpha?"

"Well, I got you something-" Scott pulls out some pregnancy tests out of the bag and hands it to Mason. "You don't have to take them right now, but since we just tried again the other day..."

Mason hesitates as he takes the pregnancy tests from Scott. "N-No, I-I want to take it now," he says, though he's not feeling confident after the last time. "It'll taunt me if I don't do it now. Take him?"

"He's sleeping. Don't wake him up. He's been fussy all day," Mark says.

Scott chuckles, and carefully takes Andrew from Mason. "Do you want Mark to go with you this time?"

Mason looks over at Mark. "Please?" He asks. "I-I'm scared after last time..."

"Of course. I know how scary it can be," Mark says.

"And, Mason... " Scott leans forward and kisses Mason. "Even if you don't get pregnant again this time, that doesn't change anything. We'll keep trying. I'm not going to be upset if it's negative."

Mason slowly nods, feeling slightly better the second time. Last time he had totally freaked out, thinking that Scott would be disappointed in him if he didn't get pregnant right away. "I know. Thank you, Alpha..." He whispers. He grabs Mark's hand and then he walks out of the kitchen with him.

"What do you think, Andy? Do you think you'll have a little brother or sister?" Scott whispers.

Twenty minutes later, Mason is standing in front of the bathroom sink, staring at the pregnancy test.

"Babe, the longer you stare at it... the longer it's just going to take," Mark tells him, wrapping his arms around Mason's waist from behind. "It takes a few minutes. Mason?"

Mason takes a deep, shaky breath. "M-Mark...? Mark," he whimpers.

Mark instantly lets go of Mason, knowing it had something to do with the pregnancy test. He looks down and screams when he sees that the pregnancy test is positive. "Mason! You're pregnant!" Mark squeals and throws his arms around Mason, kissing him passionately.

Mason can't help but let the tears fall out of his eyes as he hugs Mark. This time, they're happy tears.

"My God, Mason. I'm so fucking happy for you," Mark whispers, not caring that he sweared.

Mason lets out a laugh, pulling away from the hug. "Marky, we're having another baby!"

"Andy is going to have a little brother or sister," Mark smiles proudly.

"I-I thought that this was the start of something horrible. I thought I wouldn't be able to get pregnant, and you know that's one of my biggest fears as an Omega. I just want to make Alpha happy," Mason says.

"Speaking of, should we go tell Alpha the big news?" Mark asks.

Mason smiles and nods excitedly. He grabs the pregnancy test, and leaves the bathroom with Mark.

Scott looks over when the two Omegas enter the living room, where Scott has Andrew sleeping in the pin. "You're back. Do you have any news?" He pushes himself up.

Mason rushes over to, and falls into his arms, surprising Scott. "Alpha, look!" He shows Scott the test.

Scott's eyes widen. "Holy shit," he breathes. "Mason. You're pregnant!"

Mason giggles as Scott kisses him everywhere. "Alpha, it worked!"

"I told you, baby. We just needed to be patient. I'm so fucking proud of you," Scott says.

"Alpha," Mark warns before walking over to the two. "You really need to work on your swearing."

"Not right now. My baby is having a baby! We need to celebrate!" Scott smiles, kissing Mason once more.

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