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The second day without Scott and the two Omegas started off pretty well surprisingly. Kevin and Matt spent most of the night getting ready for the picnic tomorrow, making sure there was enough food for everyone. Of course, the Alphas made sure the Omegas had the right food proportions.

"Okay, Kevin. I know you were worried about it, so I texted Scott and he said he's cool with us taking everybody out as long as we keep a close eye on everyone," Avi says as he walks into the kitchen.

"That's wonderful, thank you for doing that Alpha," Kevin smiles as he looks up at Avi.

"Is everything ready to go?" Avi asks when he sees Kevin getting the picnic basket ready.

"I think so. We might have to stop and get drinks for everyone. There wasn't enough room," Kevin says.

Avi nods. "Noted," he says. "I'll get the Omegas into the car."

Kevin grabs the picnic basket and walks out of the kitchen, and smiles when he sees Matt. "Ready?"

"Yeah," Matt nods and walks over to Kevin, kissing his cheek. "When should we tell them?"

"I was hoping to tell them when Alpha Scott was around, but he'll be gone all weekend. Maybe we should start with telling these guys. I'm kind of terrified about what Alpha will say," Kevin bites his lip.

"You know he's most likely going to support you, and us, no matter what," Matt says.

"It's just... a lot more complicated than that. There's so much we'll need to talk about," Kevin sighs softly, before looking over at Matt. "Let's tell them at the picnic. When we're all finished eating."

Matt nods. "Whenever you're ready. You know I am," he says.

"I am ready. I'm just scared," Kevin chuckles nervously. "Let's go." He and Matt walk out of the house. Kevin hands the picnic basket over to Matt so he can lock the door.

"Kev, you'll be going with Beau if that's alright," Avi says after Esther has climbed into the car.

"May I go with Kevin?" Matt asks hopefully.

"I'd like for you to come with me, actually. Beau already has two Omegas to look after," Avi tells him.

"Yes, Sir," Matt says. He glances over at Kevin before rushing over to the car.

After stopping for drinks, the group finally makes it to the park where they were having the picnic.

"Can I help with anything, Alpha?" Mitch asks Beau once he's out of the car.

Beau looks over at Mitch and smiles at the Omega. "That's very kind of you to offer Mitch," he says. "Here... would you like to carry the drinks? They aren't that heavy."

"Yes!" Mitch giggles as he takes the drinks from Beau, and walks over to Kirstie.

"You so have a crush on him," Kirstie smirks.

Mitch's cheeks instantly turn red. "I-I do not have a crush on him," he mumbles.

Kirstie giggles. "That's the biggest lie of the entire century!" She shoves Mitch playfully. "I think it's cute, and you deserve a nice Alpha after what you've been through."

"I-I'm not getting my hopes up," Mitch mumbles. "I mean, what would Alpha Scott say? And my parents?"

Kirstie gives him a sympathetic smile and gently rubs his back. "We'll just have to wait and see,"

"Come on guys, Matt says he's already found a nice spot for us to sit," Avi says as he shuts the door.

Kirstie and Mitch both quickly rush over to Avi and follow them to a spot under a tree that Matt has found. It's quite a sunny day so the shade is nice to have.

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