twenty four

399 43 2

Mark squeals excitedly when he, opens the door and sees Mitch. "Mitchy! I'm glad you're here!" He pulls the Omega into a hug, happy to be reunited with his friend again.

Mitch gasps and pulls away from the hug. "Wow! Your bump is so cute!"

Mark blushes. "Thanks. Alpha tells me that every single day, but I hate it," he pouts. "I hate being so big, and I can't fit any of my cute clothes anymore. You don't understand."

"I'm sure he'll understand soon enough," Beau chuckles as he stands next to Mitch.

Mark's eyes widen as he looks at Mitch. "Are you-?"

"No," Mitch blushes. "But... we're working on it." He looks up at Beau and smiles. "Right, Alpha?"

"That's right," Beau smiles at his Omega. "Oh, speaking of, Scott isn't here?"

"Nope. Come in," Mark steps aside and lets the couple into the house. "Kevin took him out shopping but Alpha Avi is has been here to look after us while Alpha's away. He'll be back in about two hours so we're setting everything up and waiting for more people to arrive."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Mitch asks.

"You can help decorate. Kirstie is in the living room if you want to ask her. Matt is cooking too," Mark says.

"Alpha, can I go help Kirstie?" Mitch asks, looking up at Beau.

"Of course, sweetheart. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," Beau tells him.

Mitch reaches up to kiss him before taking off excitedly to the living room to find Kirstie.

Mark smiles, and then he looks over at Beau. "We've missed having Mitchy around, but I bet you guys are enjoying spending time alone together," he says.

"Yes, we've been loving it. We were worried about not being able to spend our one year anniversary together but it was so lovely. It's so much easier being together. No offense. We love you guys,"

"None taken," Mark giggles. Beau heads to the kitchen while Mark goes to the living room.

"Hey man," Avi greets when he sees Beau. "Long time no see. How're things with Mitch?"

"Great. It's nice to be back here though. Mitch has been wanting to see everybody again since he left, so it's nice that we're throwing this birthday party for Scott."

"That man has done so much for all of us. It's nice to do something for him for a change," Avi says.

"Hopefully he doesn't suspect anything about this," Beau chuckles. "He's very good at knowing when something is going on which is something that I'll never understand."


"We've been walking around all day. I'm ready to lay down and sleep for the rest of the night,"

"Sorry, Sir. But, at least we'll be set for groceries for the next month!"

Scott looks back at Kevin and glares at him, before shaking his head. "I'm glad we told Mark and Mason that we'd be gone for a couple of hours, otherwise they'd be freaking out by now."

"I'm sure they're doing just fine," Kevin smiles as he grabs a couple of bags from the car and follows Scott up to the house. He watches as Scott unlocks the house, and then they walk in.

"Why the hell is it so dark in here?" Scott asks once they're inside. The two walk down the hallway and head towards the living room. He turns on the light.

"Happy birthday!'

Scott jumps and his eyes widen. "What the hell? Are you all trying to give me a heart attack?"

"You are getting old-"

"Alpha!" Kevin warns, looking over at Avi and glaring at him.

Scott rolls his eyes, before looking at everyone. "What is going on? Everyone's here?"

Mark smiles and runs over to Scott. "We wanted to surprise you for your birthday," he says.

"Well, it worked. I am surprised, thank you for this sweetheart-" Scott kisses Mark. "And, thanks everyone. You guys really didn't have to do this... to go through so much trouble."

"Of course we did, Alpha. You do so much for all of us always. We wanted to do something nice for you," Kirstie says with a smile. "Besides, it's your birthday. You should be celebrated anyways."

Scott smiles when he sees Kirstie. "Kit, it's good to see you again," he says.

"So, it looks like you won't be sleeping for awhile," Kevin says. "Is that alright, Sir?"

Scott chuckles. "Of course it's alright. Why would I sleep when all of my friends are here?" He asks.

"We have cake, and presents, and everything! We've been working all day!" Mark exclaims excitedly.

"Well, come on then. Let's have some cake," Scott smiles, and heads to the kitchen with everybody else.

Scott sits on the couch with his Omegas after everyone gets their cake, Kirstie sitting on the floor by them.

"How are things, Kit? Are you liking being with Avi's pack?" Scott asks, looking down at the Omega.

Kirstie smiles as she looks up at Scott. "It's wonderful! It's so nice having a girl to talk to after being stuck with all these boys for so long. No offense," she giggles. "And, Alpha Avi takes very good care of me."

"That's good. I'm glad you're happy. How's the Alpha hunting going?" Scott chuckles.

"Well, we don't have to hunt for an Alpha anymore," Kirstie tells him.

"What? Avi found you an Alpha?" Scott asks, looking over at the Omega in surprise.

"Well-" Kirstie blushes. "Alpha Avi is my Alpha. He's so sweet, and takes care of me. It just happened naturally after I moved in. I-I hope you're okay with that." She bites her lip nervously.

"Of course I am. I kind of figured it would happen anyways. He's been looking for his own Omega too,"

"Sir. There's someone at the door. You might want to come see-"

Scott looks over when he hears Kevin's voice. He sighs, and then sets his cake down. "I'll be back," he says to Mark and Mason before standing up and following Kevin towards the door. "Who is it?"

"Just look and see," Kevin tells him.

Scott stares at him before walking to the window. He sighs when he sees his parents standing outside. "Tell them to leave. They are not welcome here," he says without hesitation.

Kevin frowns. "You're not going to even say hi?"

"No," Scott snaps. "I cut them out of my life a long time ago. Just, please tell them to leave?"

"Of course, Sir..."

"Thank you. I'll send Avi for backup. Knowing them, they'll refuse to leave," Scott says. He then heads to the kitchen and finds Avi, and asks him to help Kevin with getting rid of his parents.

Scott hates that it's come to this, but he gave his parents a chance and they blew it. He's not going to allow his parents to ruin his life because they don't accept his "lifestyle".

He's especially not going to allow him to ruin his birthday.

"Is everything okay, Alpha?" Mason asks when Scott returns to the living room.

"It's fine, sweetheart," Scott says as he sits between the two Omegas. He wraps his arms around Mason and pulls him closer, gently kissing the Omega's forehead. "I'm just so glad everyone I love is here."

Mason smiles as he looks up at his Alpha, happy to see his Alpha happy.

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