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The pack finally make it home. Scott helps Mitch put away everything in his new room.

"I know you might not want to talk about this Mitch, but I have to ask for yours and my packs safety..." Scott says as he puts away Mitch's clothes. "You mentioned you had an Alpha-"

Mitch freezes the second Scott mentions his Alpha.

"You ran away from him. Do you think he would come looking for you? Maybe he'll be angry..."

Mitch bites his lip nervously. "I-I don't know, Alpha Scott..." He replies. "H-He might be angry, but I don't think he would come looking for me. He didn't even really like me that much."

Scott nods. "It already has been a few days," he says. "I just don't want anybody to get hurt."

"I-I can find somewhere else to stay..."

Scott looks over at Mitch and frowns. "No. No, that's not necessary. You're staying here," he assures him. "I don't think anything will happen. I just had to make sure. Don't worry about anything, okay?"

Mitch slowly nods, before looking up at Scott again. "Thank you, Alpha Scott. For everything..."

Scott gives him a smile. "No need to thank me," he says.

"You... saved my life?" Mitch blinks a few times as he looks up at the Alpha. "But, I do need to thank you. I'm sorry, Alpha. I don't mean to argue with you."

Scott shakes his head. "Well, I wasn't going to leave you to die, was I?"

Mitch frowns. "Not all Alphas think like that," he says sadly.

Scott smiles sadly. "I know," he whispers, gently rubbing Mitch's arm. "Do you like being here?"

Mitch looks up at Scott and slowly nods. "Yes, Sir. I do like it. It's much better than with my old Alpha, and I have friends. I like Kirstie. She's nice to me."

Scott chuckles. "Yes, she's a sweetheart. I know Mark has been a little rough. He'll come around,"

"Does Mark hate me?" Mitch asks worriedly.

"I don't think he hates you," Scott tells him. "I'm going to talk to him a little bit. Everything will be fine."

After Scott is done helping Mitch put away his new things, he goes to find Mark.

Scott finds Mark in the living room with Mason, the two cuddling on the couch. Kirstie's there as well, and they're all watching a Disney movie because Kirstie is obsessed with all things Disney.


Mark gasps and looks over, his eyes widening slightly when he sees Scott standing at the doorway.

"I need to speak with you," Scott says. He watches as Mark hesitantly gets up from the couch, and then Scott leads the way upstairs to their bedroom. Once there, Scott shuts the door. "Sit down."


"Mark," Scott warns. "Just do as I say."

Mark frowns and walks over to the bed and sits down on the edge, looking down at his feet.

Scott walks in front of Mark, staring at him. "What the hell is going on with you? Talk to me, Mark..."

"Alpha, I'm fine-" Mark tries. He looks up at Scott nervously.

"Are you really going to try to lie to me?" Scott asks. "You're not fine. What's bothering you?"

Mark sighs in defeat. "I-I don't want Mitch to stay here!" He finally says.

"What?" Scott asks, surprised to hear Mark say this. "This has all to do with Mitch?" He shakes his head. "Mark, why don't you want Mitch to stay here? I thought you liked him?"

"I-I do like him. I just... I don't like that he's taking you away from us," Mark mumbles.

"Mitch isn't taking me away from you," Scott frowns. "Why do you say that?"

"Because it's true!" Mark exclaims as he throws his arms up.

"Watch that tone," Scott warns. He sighs and shakes his head. "You're being dramatic, Mark..."

"I'm not," Mark's eyes start watering. "You hardly spend enough time with Mase and I as it is, and now you've brought another Omega into our pack. You're going to spend so much time getting him settled in and getting to know him. You're going to completely forget about Mason and I."

"God, Mark-" Scott sighs with frustration. "Do you not have any trust in me at all?"

Mark gasps. "Of course I do, Alpha!"

"Then you would know that I would never forget about you and Mason!"

Mark flinches as Scott's voice is raised. He knows he's made his Alpha upset now, and he feels stupid. He hates whenever his Alpha is upset, but hates it even more when he is the cause for him being upset.

"Obviously I'm going to want to spend time with Mitch. He's going to be here for at least a couple months," Scott says. "But that doesn't mean that I'm just going to forget about you and Mason. You're my Omegas, and ever since Kirstie I've always made sure to spend time quality with both of you, together and apart. Jesus Christ. I can't believe that you would actually think that-" He scoffs.

Mark whimpers and buries his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, Alpha!" He cries.

Scott sighs and looks over at Mark and his face instantly softens when he sees how upset he is. "Hey-" He walks over to him and gently grabs both of his hands. "Hey, look at me, Mark."

Mark sniffs as he finally looks up at Scott. "A-Am I getting punished?" He asks quietly.

Scott frowns. "No. Of course not, sweetheart. It was an honest mistake. I understand why you would think like that. I really do. I mean, it's tough when I have three Omegas to look after. Adding a fourth Omega is going to make it harder. You just have to trust that I won't do anything to hurt our relationship," he says.

Mark looks down in shame. "I'm sorry Alpha," he apologizes quietly.

Scott sighs softly before gently lifting Mark's chin up with his finger and kissing him. "Don't apologize, Mark. You did nothing wrong. I just wish that you would have a little more faith in me. I'm not mad at you." He kisses Mark again, and gently pushes him down on his back so he can hover over him.

"Alpha, please-" Mark begs, looking up at his Alpha.

Scott kisses his a few more times before pulling away and sitting up. "Mason-"

"I need you now, Alpha. Please. I-I'll make it up to Mason later. I promise," Mark takes a deep breath.

"Mason's going to be pissed Mark," Scott frowns slightly, and then his eyes widen in surprise when Mark pulls him back down. He chuckles after they stop kissing. "You are going to be the death of me, Omega."

Mark giggles and smiles innocently as he looks up at Scott.

After the two finish, the two take a shower together. Mark knows Mason is going to be upset, because early on the three agreed they would never do sexual activities unless all three were involved. It's just something that they thought would make their relationship stronger.

"I have to go check on the others. You go find Mason," Scott says as he slips on his shirt.

Mark sighs. "This is not going to end well," he mumbles before walking out of the bedroom. He quickly finds Mason in the kitchen with Kevin. Mason always likes to help in the kitchen whenever he can.

"What are you making?" Mark asks as he walks up to Mason.

"We're making Spaghetti for dinner!" Mason smiles as he looks over at Mark.

"And Mason's doing a wonderful job. Looks like we got a mini chef on our hands," Kevin smiles proudly.

Mason grins. "I can't wait to show Alpha that I helped with dinner!"

The Alpha & His Omegas // Meau & ScomarsonWhere stories live. Discover now