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It's an hour later and I'm wearing jeans and a white t-shirt with some white sneakers. Jessie is wearing a short dress with high heels, I don't know why she got all dolled up if this guy is just going to show us around campus, it's not like we are going to a Victoria's secret fashion show or something.

Knock knock

"He's here!" Jessie says with pure excitement in her voice. She opens the door and the pretty green eyed boy stands there with his hands in his pockets. "Hallo ladies." He says with a smirk. I haven't even been her for two hours and I have already met the biggest flirt on campus.

Jessie closes the door behind her and we start walking away from our dorm room. "I'll be right back; I need to go to the bathroom." Jessie winks at me as she walks away.

Oh my god.

It has been barely 5 minutes since we left the room and Jessie is already leaving me alone with this guy who I barely know. He could be a murderer or a serial killer! I swear if something happens to me I'll haunt her for the rest of her life.

"Don't look so scared, I won't bite." He says and starts laughing. What does he expect, I'm walking with a stranger I have never met and know nothing about. "So are you going to tell me your name or should I ask Jessie." He asks, still laughing. Should I tell him my real

name or should I just lie. "My name is Tessa Trainor." I decide to tell him my real name. "Nice to meet you Tessa, my name is Hunter Simpson." He says as we pass a few giggling girls. "What is up with them?" I ask pointing At the group of girls. "Oh it's a long story." He says scratching his head. "I have nothing better to do." Jessie wants us to get to know each other and that is exactly what I'm doing. "Well I kind of have a reputation..." he says holding back.

What is he hiding?

"What kind of reputation?" he must think I'm the nosiest person ever. "Let's just say I'm a babe magnet." He says winking at me. Guess I was right about him being a flirt. I roll my eyes at him and laugh. "What?" he asks. "Oh it's nothing." I say, still laughing. "Tell me." now he is also laughing. "I was just thinking about my

Gut feeling being right for the first time." I'm still laughing. "Oh really about what." He says still laughing. "You being the biggest flirt." He stops laughing and his smile slowly turns to a frown. "I knew it." He whispers shaking his head. "Knew what?" I ask wanting to know what caused his sudden mood change. "You're just like the other girls." He spits. "Excuse me?" I ask confused, but angry because he thinks it is okay to talk to me like that. "You are just like the rest! You all just judge me and you don't even know me. That is why I don't have a girlfriend and probably will never have one." He yells. "You know what? I think the girls on this planet standards are really too high for you to fit any of them." I spit and walk away.


"There you are, I was looking for you, and Hunter said you were here." Jessie says. How would he even know I would come here? Great now he's not just a flirt but a stalker too. "Oh so he was stalking me?" Jessie looked at me confused. "Tessa chill what happened, did something happen?" she asks, clearly shocked by my outburst.

"You can stop with your game of getting me and Hunter to date because it's not happening, I don't even want to talk to him again, ever. "I say emphasizing the ever.

"What did he do to you?" Jessie asks laughing. Does she really think this is funny? "He is an asshole that's what is wrong. He thinks everything is about him and that makes me sick!" I say looking Jessie in the eyes.

"You haven't even been here for a day and you already hate someone, so I see you haven't changed a bit." I roll

My eyes at her and walk away. Is she seriously thinking this is funny?

"Tessa! Come back I was just messing with you." I turn around and give her a death glare. "Do you want to go out tonight? We can go to a club or something, you know, explore the city a little bit." She asks. My mother would kill me if she finds out I am even considering going to a club.

"Yeah, sounds great." I decide to go anyway. My mother isn't her so she won't find out about it. "Yay! But you can't wear that." Jessie says pointing at my outfit. Really? The outfit thing? Again?

She hands me the same white dress from earlier. I'm not in the mood for an argument so I just grab the dress from her and walk strait to the bathroom. "Be ready in 1 hour." She shouts as I close the door behind me. I decide

To take a shower because why not? When I was finish I put on the dress Jessie gave me and blow dried my hair. My hair is a long and has a dark brown color. I don't really wear makeup so I just put on a little mascara and some red lipstick.


"Look at how fancy this is!" Jessie says excited when we walk into the bar. "Yeah, how are we going to afford this?" I ask her. We walk over to the two open bar stools and take a seat. "Oh it's fine we will figure it out." She sounds way too chilled about this. What are we going to do if we are done with our drinks and we don't have enough money? "Two strawberry cocktails please." Jessie says to the bartender. "Coming up!" the bartender says as she disappears into the back.

A few minutes later she is back with two pretty pink glasses in her hands. Just as she places the cocktails in front of us Jessie taped my hand. "Don't look now." She says calmly and I do exactly the opposite.


Hunter is here. What the hell would he want to do here? And he is not alone. He is with a man and two girls. One of the girls is about my age and the other is older, maybe it's his mother. Poor girl, she is probably one of his victims. Me and Jessie almost run the bartender over as we attempt to hide behind the counter. "Tell us when he is gone." I say to the bartender. I was silently praying that she doesn't call security to take away the two weird teenage girls hiding behind the counter. "Hay, I don't even know your names and you are already using my counter as a hiding spot." She says laughing. Me and Jessie look at each other confused. "You will be surprised to know how often this actually happens." She laughs.

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