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"That night was the night I decided to leave him for good." I say still crying and it looks like Hunter's eyes are also filled with tears. "That was a good decision." Bradley states. I think my eyes are playing trick on me or Bradley is also starting to tear up.

"It was hard you know. I loved him and after I left him I felt lonely but luckily Hunter came along and he made all the pain go away." I say with a smile. I lean over and kiss Hunter on his cheek.

"I'm glad you decided to leave him. People like him don't deserve to be happy and he definitely doesn't deserve someone like you." He says looking at me in the car mirror with a kind smile on his face which revealed the cutest dimples. He is actually a very nice guy. What is he doing with his life?

Does he kidnap people for a living? He can do so much better. "He has a new girlfriend now and... I'm scared for her. I know what he is capable of and... I think she just needs to get him out of her life as soon as possible." I look at Hunter and he is still looking at me confused. I think he is finally catching on.

"He's a dick." Hunter suddenly says. "I can agree with you on that man." Bradley says looking at Hunter. This is going well. Maybe we can even convince him to let us go. "You are such a nice guy why are you doing jobs like this?" I ask Bradley. I haven't known this guy for very long but he seems like the type of guy that all the teachers loved. I don't know why but I just think that.

"Well I need the money for college and this is the only job I could get that pays enough for me to pay College, my apartment that I'm going to move into next week and food." he explains. He's in college? "Wow, that's a lot." I kind of feel sorry for him. Luckily my mum can afford to pay for my college funds and I am truly thankful for that.

"So do you know why Chris is coming after me?" Hunter asks Bradley. "He said something about a Jason-" "-Justin." Hunter corrects him. "Justin apparently told Chris that he needs to get the money he owes Chris from you." Bradley explains to Hunter. Hunter looks like he is about to kill this Justin guy. I can see the anger in his eyes.

"He's a fucking idiot." Hunter snaps. "Why?" Bradley asks confused. "I don't even talk to him anymore. The last time I talked to him was 7 years ago." he explains to Bradley. Bradley was actually easier to befriend then I thought it was going to be. "Then why did he tell Chris to get the money from you?" Bradley questions. "Because he's an idiot!" Hunter snaps. "Well that what are you going to do about this?" I ask Hunter. By 'this' I meant the whole being kidnapped thing. "I don't have the kind of money." Hunter says with his head in his hands.

"How much is it?" Bradley asks. Isn't he supposed to know this stuff? "I don't exactly know but I know it is a lot a lot of money I don't have." Hunter says. I still don't know who Justin is and why Hunter now owes Chris a lot of money. The rest of the car ride to who knows where is silent.

"Where here." Bradley says. Where is here exactly? Bradley gets out of the car, leaving me and Hunter to sit in the back seat. We are at a house, a big house. No it's not even a house, it's a mansion. It has a nice garden and a pool from what I can see from inside the car. It's a modern two story house.

A few minutes after we arrive Chris pulls into the driveway and he gets out of his car and walk towards us. "Take them to the basement." Chris says loudly. Bradley opens the door so that we can get out. Hunter gets out first then I get out of the car. As soon as my feet hit the ground Bradley grabs my arm tightly.

"Move faster." Chris demands. "Yes Sir." Bradley responds. Chris stays behind while Bradley takes us into the house. This is like a bad movie. Why do kidnappers always put the people they kidnap in the basement? That is stupid. It will make it easier for the police to find us...if they find us. "I'm so sorry for doing this to you guys." Bradley says sadly.

"For what?" I ask confused. "For doing this to you." Bradley replies with a sad look on his face. This is great we manage to dig through to his soft side. "Don't be silly. It's not your fault Bradley." I say smiling.

Hunter's POV:

"Don't be silly. It's not your fault Bradley." Tessa says to him with a smile. He is hurting my arm right now and I swear if he's hurting Tessa I'm going to reconstruct his face. He better stop looking at her like that.

"This is the basement." he says pointing a closed door. "Lock them up good so that they don't try anything." Chris suddenly says, eyeing me. Where the hell did he come from? "Yes Boss." Bradley says without making eye contact with him. "Making sure they are tied up good." Chris says looking me straight in the eye with has an evil smile on his face. He turns around and walks away.

"Oh and I'm going to have to take your phones." Bradley says with his one hand held out for us to put our phones in.

Tessa's POV:

"Oh and I'm going to have to take your phones." Bradley says with one of his hands held out.


Hunter sticks his hand into the back pocket of his jeans and pulls out his phone. I look at the ground. What am I going to do? I can't give him my phone! How will my mum be able to find me if he has my phone. Shit, think Tessa, think. Hunter and Bradley are staring at me, both waiting for me to put my phone in Bradley's hand.

"My phone is still in Hunter's car." I lie. I'm not giving him my phone I just can't. "Ava just give me your phone please." Bradley asks again. "I swear I don't have it with me." I lie again.

Hunter's POV:

"My phone is still in Hunter's car." Tessa lies. "Ava just give me your phone please." he asks her again. Tessa just give him your phone. "I swear I don't have it with me." she lies again. She shouldn't be lying to these people.

"You don't?" He asks her with a raised eyebrow. He clearly does not believe her story. "You can check if you don't believe me." Tessa says lifting her arms up. Did she seriously just give him permission to touch her?

What the fuck?

He better not be considering it. He looks over to me and I gave him a death glare. "Fine, I believe you." he finally says. What? Did he really fall for that? I need to talk to Tessa when he leaves.

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