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Tessa's POV:

I wake up with a sharp pain in my chest. My mother is sitting on the chair where Hunter was sitting on earlier. "Honey!" my mom says, hugging me. "How do you feel?"

"I'm okay, where's Hunter?"

"I haven't seen him have you?" My mom looks over to Jessie. She shakes her head.He probably just went to the bathroom or got something to eat. My mom looks at the door with a smile on my face. I look over and see a face I know all too well."Taylor?" I say with a giant smile on my face. I haven't seen him in so long. He walks over to me and hugs me. "How do you feel?" he asks concerned. "I'm fine." I lie. It feels like I'm dying.

"Hallo Tessa." Summer suddenly walks in. "How are you feeling?" I swear if one more person asks me how I feel I'm going to lose it."If someone asks me that question one more time-"

 "It's my job to ask people that question you know." Everyone starts laughing including me. "I'm fine, just really hungry."

 "I'll tell them to bring you a menu." Summer says while looking through my file. "Summer?"


"Have you seen Hunter by any chance?"

 "Oh yeah, I almost forgot." She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. "He told me to give you this." She says handing me the piece of paper. "What is it?" I ask, looking at her confused. "I don't know, he just told me to give it to you, and then he left."I open the folded piece of paper.

Jessie's POV:

The nurse hands Tessa a piece of paper. "What is it?" she asks confused. "I don't know he just told me to give it to you, then he left." she slowly opens the piece of paper and start reading it.I can see the last bit of Happiness slowly being drained from her as she reads. She puts the paper down in front of her as she blankly stares into the distance with not a single drop of happiness left in het. "What's wrong Tessa?" I ask her."I...I need to be alone."

"But honey-"

"Please mum." she says with one single tear rolling down her cheek.

Hunter what the hell did you do?!

We all exit the room, leaving Tessa alone with her thoughts. "I swear I'm going to kill him." I say while talking out my phone and looking through my contacts for his number. I dial his number and the phone starts ringing. "Hunter answer your damn phone."

"He declined my call." I say looking at my phone in disbelief.

Why is he being so selfish?!

Tessa's POV:

Why? Why would he do this to me? I thought he was different but it turns out I was wrong. I could have run away that night when he told me too but I didn't because I care about him. If I didn't go with him the police would have never found Chris. If I didn't go with him he could be dead right now. I knew he was trouble the first time I saw him but him he made me feel like no other guy made me feel.

I cried because of him, my heart broke because of him and this is the second time I'm in the hospital because of him but I don't care.

 He stole my heart but now I remember why I chose not to give my heart away this easily. Boys are all the same. They steal your heart and then they just end up throwing it away.I know he said he loves me and that he thinks it is better for us to be apart but if he really loves me he would know that it is better for us to be together.

 7 hours later:

Jessie's POV:

I violently knock on his door hoping that he is here. Not long after banging on the door he opens the door and to be honest he looks like shit. I can see in his eyes that he is about to close the door in my face but before he can I put my hand on the door."I don't give a shit about what you have to say, you're going to shut up and listen to me." I say.

 I walk into the room and push Hunter backwards. I shut the door behind and face back to Hunter. He is sitting on his bed."Why?" Is all I say. "Why what?" "What was on that paper and why did it upset Tessa so much?" I question.

"Look I know she's upset, I am too but I think it's better this way." "Better this way? She chased us all out of her room including her own mother because of you and you think it's better this way? god damn it Hunter stop being so selfish for once in your life and think about Tessa's feelings!" I snap.

"I don't want her to get hurt again.""You should have thought about that before you left!""Things will get better, she will forget about me."

"No she won't. Hunter can't you see? She loves you; all this year's I have known her she has never loved anyone as much as she loves you. She fell for you so please just think about it."I know he meant well but that's not what Tessa needs right now, she needs his support.

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