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I am woken up by a lot of noises and shouting coming from outside the dorm room. What the hell is going on? I get up and walk to the door. The floor is cold and I'm just wearing my socks so my toes feel like they are about to fall off.

I open the door and I am shocked by what I see. I'm not just shocked I am confused and a little disappointed. Hunter is giving one of his friends a black eye. How convenient. Why won't he just stay out of my life?

When he looks up I can see the anger in his eyes. In my life I have seen a lot of angry eyes but none of them looks like Hunter's eyes. His eyes look like the eyes of a murderer. It actually scares me. He loos me strait in the eye and walk away.

What the hell just happened?

The guy Hunter hit a few seconds ago is still sitting on the ground. His eye is red but it is definitely going to be blue tomorrow. Where is Jessie by the way? The memories of last night flash trough my head.


Is she still mad at me? I walk back into the room, still confused. I think I'm going to take a quick shower before I go to class.

Hunter's POV:

"It was his own fault! He had it coming." I say harshly. "Why? He is the quite one of the group why would you want to hit him and not the other who has done much worse to you. What did Zack do anyways?" Leeroy asks with a raised eyebrow.

"He was talking shit about Tessa." I answer harshly. I know I'm being really rude right now but I can't help it. I'm frustrated and now I'm taking it out on him. "So? Why do you care?" why do I care? Why do I care? Because I fucking love her Leeroy!

"I don't." I lie. "You have changed Hunter. Since Tessa got here you have been all mushy." I feel like I could just punch him in the face right now.

Tessa's POV:

"There you are!" Jessie says as she bursts through the door. "Jessie!" I shout as I try to cover everything that needs to be covered. "Calm down Tessa we have the same body parts." Jessie says while laughing. I finish putting on my white jeans and a black long sleeve top.

"Did you hear?" she says with a smile. "Hear what?" I swear if she this is about Hunter I'm going to shoot him. "Hunter punched one of his best friends today." Great, where can I get a good gun around here?

"Well it was hard to miss it. It happened right her." I tell her. "In our room?" She asks with wide eyes. Oh, I forgot, she is as dumb as she looks. "No Jessie, outside." I say while rolling my eyes. "I was being sarcastic." She says. I roll my eyes.

"Do you know what they were fighting about?" she asks with her smile getting bigger every second. "Yeah, Hunter was just here, he told me everything." I answer sarcastically. Now I am the one being sarcastic.

"Really?" Jessie asks with wide eyes. I roll my eyes. "I was being sarcastic." I say rolling my eyes again. "Oh, but anyways the were fighting about you." Jessie says with a smile.


"What the fuck!" I say loudly. "Apparently Zack was saying something about your butt and Hunter couldn't help himself." She says with that stupid smile still plastered on her face.

"I swear I'm going to kill him!" I say furiously. "Tessa you can't kill your future husband."

"Shut up Jessie! I'm not in the mood for your shit right now." I say a little too loud. Why the hell would Hunter make me the reason to punch someone! See, this is why I hate men. The always try to ruin my life. Why were the talking about my butt in the first place? Yeah I know it is big but no need do have a conversation about it.

"Sorry." She says flatly. I can't deal with this right now; I need to get to class. I grab my bag and walk out the door without even saying goodbye to Jessie.


"Good morning class, my name is Mr. Nolan but you can call me Jack." The man in front if the room is wearing skinny jeans and a neon green button up shirt. "Some of you may have-"

"Sorry I'm late." The one and only Hunter walks in. Could my day get any better? He randomly decides to sit in the open chair next to me. There are about ten seats open but he just had to sit in this one. Guess my day just got even better. "Hallo." He whispers. He better not be talking to me. Turns out he is but I choose to ignore him. "Hallo Tessa." He repeats himself. "What do you want!" I say loudly and now the whole class is staring at me. Great just what I needed.

 I throw my hand up in the air. "Yes?" the professor asks. "May I be excused?" I ask calmly. Hunter is just staring at me confused. "Sure." Jack says. I don't even bother to put my books into my bag. I just want to get away from Hunter as fast as I can.

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