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The hospital finally decided to discharge me and I couldn't be happier. I hate the smell of hospital. "Are you coming Tessa?" Jessie asks, she is already standing at the exit. "I'm coming!" I reply as I thank the doctor and walk away. As I'm walking to the door I suddenly feel someone grab my wrist. It's Hunter. Here we go again. "Tessa you're coming with me tonight." he demands. "Um, how about no?" I reply rudely.

It is his fault I'm here in the first place so I'm not getting into a car with him ever again. I know it was Luke's fault but still what did Hunter do to Luke to basically make Luke want to kill him and everyone around him.

"Please, I just want to make sure you are okay." You should have thought about that before doing whatever you did to Luke. "I think I can look after myself Hunter." I say while starting to walk out again.

The moment I set my foot outside he grabs my wrist again. He really needs to stop doing that! "Please?" he asks desperately. "Hunter, I'm not going home with you!" I never thought I would say that sentence the first night at my new university. "Fine." He spits. He looks disappointed.

Really? Is he serious right now?

Who asks a girl who they have just me to go home with them? Apparently Hunter does. He is walking over to Jessie. The start talking then all of the sudden Hunter points at me. Are they talking about me? What could they possibly be talking about? "Hallo, Tess? It is Tess right?" Loki asks. He just gave me a heart attack. I didn't even notice him standing next to me. "Tessa." I correct him. "I'm Loki." He says. Um, I know you told me that already. "Hallo Loki." I decide to just go with it. "So, you and Hunter are like, dating?"


"No! never!" I say almost too loud. Why would he think we are dating? "Oh I just thought-"

"No Loki we are just friends. I don't even know if we are friends, we just met each other a few hours ago. Hopefully I just cleared that up.

Why would I date someone like him? His ego is way too big and the way he talks about girls is just disgusting. "Oh okay." He says in a sarcastic way and starts laughing. I can't help but to laugh too.

"So, how do you know Hunter?" I'm getting curios here. "Oh, we went to high school together and we were in the same group of friends." He says with a smile. "Was Luke in that same group?" I ask without thinking. Loki's smile turns into a frown as he stares at the ground.

"Um yeah, for a while at least." Loki says. "Why did he leave?" Loki must think I'm the nosiest person on earth. "I, I think that is something you should ask Hunter. I don't think he would want me to tell the whole world." Loki says. What is up with this big secret? I'm sure it isn't as bad as they are making it sound. What could be so bad?

"I know I'm fat but not that fat." I say trying to lighten the mood. "That's not what-"

"Are you guys ready to go?" Jessie interrupts. I look around for Hunter but he is nowhere to be seen. I got into the back of Loki's car and Jessie got into the passenger site next to Loki. Loki was obviously driving.

About 30 minutes later we arrived at the dorm rooms. I open the door wile Jessie wave goodbye to Loki. "So..." I say as I close the door behind us. "So?" she asks confused. "What did you and Hunter talk about?" I know they were talking about me. "What do you mean?" does she really think I'm that stupid? "I'm not as dumb as I look." I say with a raised eyebrow. "You said that not me!" Jessie says then she starts laughing. "I'm serious, what were you two talking about?" I ask Jessie seriously. I sound like a crazy obsessive girlfriend who thinks her boyfriend is cheating on her. Except me and Hunter are not dating and we never will. Trust me I would never waste my time on someone like him. I would much rather date a dirty homeless guy. Okay maybe not but you know what I mean. "He just said hallo that's all." She says.


All I do is raise an eyebrow and give her an ARE-YOU-READY-TO-TELL-ME-WHAT-HE-REALLY-SAID look. "Fine, he told me to keep an eye on you, you know, to make sure you are okay." She says when she finally realizes I'm going to find out anyway. I sight and roll my eyes.

"When is he going to stop with his act? I know you guys are friends and all but he doesn't have to irritate me all the time just to get you!" I say without thinking.


"Excuse me?" she asks shocked. We are both standing in the room in awkward silence, just staring at each other. "You haven't changed at all did you Tessa?" Jessie huffs. I watch he disappear into the bathroom.

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