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I decide to walk away before I hear something else that would hurt my feelings even more. I didn't think that Hunter would ever be able to make me feel hurt; I didn't think that any boy would ever make me feel hurt but when Hunter said that word he broke my heart into a million pieces.

I don't even know why I care about Hunter's opinion about me but it feels like I could just cry. I hate the feeling when all my anger turns into thousands of tears, just waiting to flow down my cheeks.

I'm walking down the hallway with a fake smile on my face, hoping that the tear won't start falling down. I'm not in the mood for class today. I'm scared I might completely fall apart.

Hunter's POV:

Everything I said to Justin isn't true. I had to say that to him because I'm not in the mood for some shitty rumors going around these hallways. I really like Tessa and I don't want her to be mad at me.

This is the first time I have felt this way about someone. I don't know if it is a good thing to feel this way about someone who absolutely hates me. I hope she can forgive me for what happened last night.

I know she thinks I called her an embarrassment but I didn't. It is just; I don't usually hang out with good girls like her.

Tessa's POV:

What is wrong with me? Since when do I cry about boys? Ever since I met Hunter I have been crying more than I have cried in my entire life. What has he done to me? I get up from the cold bathroom floor and decide to go back to my room.


"Grandma lives there so at least I will have a place to stay until I get my own place." I say to my mother over the phone. I'm talking to my mother about moving to New York and changing universities. It is not going very well.

 "Why are you even considering this? This is what you have been looking forward to your whole life and now that you have it you want to throw it all away just like that?" I know I have been looking forward to this for a long time but my vision for my future changed and LA just isn't part of that future anymore.

"I'm not throwing it away. I'm thankful that they accepted me in the first place." I say truthfully. "Tessa, think about this before you decide anything I don't think you want to make the same mistakes as I did when I was younger. I have made a lot of mistakes. I wish I could go back in time and fix but I can't." she says she sounds disappointed but this is not her life and she can't make decisions for me anymore.


Hey Tessa where are you? 9:10 AM

Why are you ignoring me? 9:19 AM

Tessa? 9:25 AM

What do you want?! 9:26 AM

Where are you? 9:26 AM

Somewhere you're not! 9:27 AM

Obviously, are you in your room? 9:28 AM

No.9:29 AM

Great...I'll be there in 5 minutes.9:32 AM

You can't be serious! I'm avoiding you for a reason you dumbass.

 5 minutes later there's a knock at the door. "Tessa open the door." Hunter says but I choose to ignore him. "Tessa, I know you are in there." he says I stand up and walk to the door. I open the door just a little. "What do you want?" I ask.

"Really? Are you always in a bad mood?" I'm usually is in a bad mood when people like you invade my life. I say nothing. "Ok so you are still mad at me?" I say nothing with a straight look on my face. "Just give me 5 minutes to explain what happened last night." he says, basically begging me.

"5 minutes." I say opening the door completely so that he could come inside. We both sit down on my bed. Hunter is sitting a little too close for comfort so I scoot away. "What I said last night I didn't mean it like that." he says while staring into the distance.

 "I meant like, I'm not the type of guy who sits on the rooftops with pretty girls in the middle of the night just talking and looking at the stars." Did just call me pretty?

"Do you really think you're compliments is going to get you out of the situation? I don't know what you think you are doing but it's not-" before I could finish my sentence he smashes his lips into mine after a few more seconds he pulls away "I'm sorry." he says breaking eye contact.

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