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Tessa's POV:

"Well a guy has to listen to his father doesn't he?" Bradley says.


I didn't see that coming.

"Your father?" I ask shocked. What kind of father forces their son to help them kidnap someone? "Stepfather." Bradley corrects himself. "Where is your mum? Does she know he likes to kidnap innocent people in his free time?" The second the word 'mum' left my mouth Bradley looks at the ground with a frown on his face. I have a feeling that I shouldn't have ask about his mother.

"My mum... she has been missing for quite some time now and the police have been searching at the beginning but I think they stopped. They haven't found a body yet so I guess that's why there is still that little bit of hope inside of me that maybe someday she will show up at the front door with a huge smile on her face and then I will hug her and... I will hug her tightly and tell her how much I love her and how much I missed her... but I know that will never happen." Bradley says with tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked about her in the first place. It's none of my busyness anyway. I'm so sorry-" "it's fine don't worry about it." he says with a fake smile on his face.

Bradley unties the ropes and instructs that I go stand by the pipe while he unties Hunter. "What do we do if one of us needs to use the bathroom?" I ask him. "I'll give you a bucket." Bradley simply says. Excuse me? I raise an eyebrow. "Hey that's better than nothing." he says.

"But I don't want to do my business in front of Hunter." I state. I'm definitely not peeing while being handcuffed to Hunter. That's gross. "Oh it will be fine. I'm sure you guys have seen each other naked before so what's the problem?" Bradley says with a raised eyebrow. Me and Hunter are looking at each other shocked because we didn't expect Bradley to say that. For a moment I forgot that we actually told him that we are dating but it is still gross that he said that.

Bradley secures the handcuffs around me and Hunters wrists. "Ok I'll be back in a few hours." Bradley says while walking to the door. Me and Hunter watch as he walks through the door and close the door behind him. We look at each other for a few seconds. "I'm so sorry." Hunter says while wrapping his one arm that isn't in the handcuffs around my waist.

"It's not your fault. If it wasn't for this Justin guy we wouldn't have been here so I definitely don't blame you for all of this." I say to him. He says nothing but he tightens the hug.


Next morning

Bradley's POV:

"Bradley!" Chris yells causing me to wake up. Oh there is nothing like his sweet, soothing voice this early in the morning. Seriously there is nothing worse. What does he want now! I get up and put on a shirt that was lying on the ground. I wore it yesterday but it smells fine so I can wear it one more day.

"Bradley!" Chris sounds this time a little louder. "What!" I shout back irritated. "Don't talk to me like that like that." Chris says when I walk into the living room.

He's sitting on his usual spot on the sofa with a cigarette in his right hand and a whiskey glass in front of him on the coffee table. I stand there waiting for Chris to tell me what to do. Every time he calls me I know he needs me to do something for him and I'm sick of it but what can do I need the money.

"I need to go to Australia for business." He says. Oh so he is going to kill someone again. "Ok how long will you be gone?" I question. "About a week." He states.

Finally I have a week off.

A week without having to do something he tells me to do. "And wait a few days before you give those idiots down in the basement any food." Chris says laughing. He's sick. I watch as he walks out the door, his suitcase is already waiting for him outside.

I hate him. I'm glad he's gone because I'm not in a mood for his shit anymore.

I had a weird dream last night and it really bothers me. It was about my mum. I saw Chris shoot her. Then after that he just looked me straight in the eye and started laughing.

I hate dreams like that. I'm walking to the basement to tell Ava and Hunter that Chris is gone for the week and that they can come out of there and live in the house for a few days. This isn't even a basement it's more like a storage room where Chris stores all the people he kidnaps. If I could I would just let them go but Chris probably told the security at the gate to keep an eye on me. It wouldn't surprise me because he doesn't like me but hey I don't like him either.

I open the door and see Ava and Hunter sleeping. Ava is laying with her head on her this chest and his arm is wrapped around her. They don't deserve this at all. I hate Chris for doing this. I know he does this all the time but this time it's different because Ava and Hunter are still young and Ava has nothing to do with this and Hunter and this Justin guy doesn't even speak to each other anymore.

I'm not waking them up I'll come back later.

Hunter's POV:

I wake up and look over to Tessa who is still asleep. She looks so peaceful when she is sleeping. I end up staring at her for a solid amount of time. She starts moving and opening her eyes. "Good morning beautiful." I say. Oh my god that was way too cheesy. "Good morning handsome." she says with a smile.

The door suddenly opens. It's a shirtless Bradley.


"Great, the two love birds of the house are finally awake." Bradley says laughing. Can he go put on a shirt now? Tessa is thankfully not affected by this...I think she's not. Well at least she's not drooling. "You mean basement." Tessa jokes.

"Not anymore." Bradley says with a smile. What? Me and Tessa look at each other confused. Bradley and his six pack start walking closer to us. He reaches into his back pocket and takes out a pair of keys. He unlocks the handcuffs. "Thank you." Tessa says relieved while rubbing her wrists.

"Are you letting us go?" I ask confused. "I wish I could but Chris will never let that happen and there are guards at the gate making sure no one comes in or goes out of the house." Bradley says looking at the ground.

"Then what exactly is happening right now." Tessa questions. "Chris had to go to Australia this morning so I thought I'd let you guys live like normal people until he comes back." Bradley says happily.

"And when will he be back?" Tessa asks. He said at least a week." Bradley says smiling. He looks very happy about this. Well I can blame him if Chris was my father I would do anything to get away from him. Tessa looks at me happily. She suddenly hugs me, for a second I don't know what to do because I'm new with this whole girlfriend boyfriend thing. I end up hugging her back.

I've never actually had a real girlfriend just one night stands and nothing more. I've never met a girl that can make my heart beat faster but then I met Tessa.

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