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"My name is Tessa and this is Jessie." I introduce myself to the bartender. "My name is June, now are you going to tell me why you are hiding from Mr. hot pants?" What? Who even calls someone 'hot pants'? "Oh, he and his future wife had an argument and now she doesn't want to talk to him." Jessie says pointing at me. She talks too much. "Okay, then you better stay down because he is coming this way." June warns us. "Hallo." I hear Hunter say. "Hallo sir, how can I help you on this lovely night?" sarcasm clear in her voice. "I would like to have two of those pretty looking drinks of yours; I think it's called Tessa and a Jessie please." Hunter says.


"Busted!" June whispered.

 "Hallo Hunter." I say with a fake smile. "Hallo future wife." He says amused. At times like this I wish I could disappear into thin air. I swear I'm going to kill Jessie for saying that. All I do is cross my arms and roll my eyes. "Three shots please." Hunter says to June. I really hope those shots are for us because I'm going to need them if he is going to be in the same room as me. Seconds later June returned with the shots.

"Here you go." Hunter hands me and Jessie each a shooter. "On three?" he asks. I don't even drink but here I am standing with a shot of tequila in my hands. Me and Jessie nod simultaneously. "One, two, and three..." Hunter says as we all down the shots. It is disgusting. Hunter sees me and my disgusted face. "Is it really that bad?" he asks looking at me with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, it's pretty terrible." I say laughing. Hunter shakes his head and laughs with me. "Do you guys want to join us?" Hunter asks pointing at the people he came with. "Yeah, why not." I swear I'm going to kill Jessie when we get out of here! Why is she doing this to me and why on earth does she want me and Hunter to be a thing? 

"Guys this is Jessie and this lovely lady is Tessa. They are friends from collage." He introduces us to the people. Did he really just call me a 'lovely lady'? When is he ever going to stop? "This is my mum, my sister and my mum's boyfriend Mike."

I swear I have seen Mike somewhere and his name sounds so familiar. I know him don't I? I can't put my finger on it.

"Nice to meet you." I say trying to be polite. I hate Hunter but there is no need to take it out on his parents besides they look like decent people.

A few cocktails later I and Jessie decide to go dance. "Finally!" I say when we are just far away enough from the table so that they don't hear me. "Finally what?" Jessie says laughing. Is she drunk? "We are away from Hunter and his stupidness." I say. "You may hate him now but soon enough you won't be able to keep your hand of him." She needs to calm down. "Nope, I would never want to have any kind of relationship with a dickhead like him." I say honestly.

I hate the way he talks to girls. He thinks way too much about himself. "He may be a dick but I think you should just give him a chance. He is a really nice guy if you just get to know him." How does she even know that? She met him yesterday and she is acting like she has known him since preschool. What is up with that? I say nothing.

"Do you want to dance?" a guy asks who apparently showed up out of nowhere. "Yeah why not."I say.

 I don't know why on earth I did that. Did I literally just agree to dance with a stranger? "Great so what is your name?" he asks. "My name is Tessa, how about you?" I must be really drunk if I'm dancing with a stranger. "My name is Luke."

Well Luke you are really hot, and very tall. I'm not telling him that of corse.

I and Luke are still dancing after 30 minutes. Turns out he is a pretty nice guy. We were talking about random stuff like kittens and waterslides. I know it's weird right? I can see Jessie coming towards us. She looks stressed. What happened?

"Tessa, Hunter is coming and he looks pretty angry." She says all stressed out. Why should I care if he is angry, he is always angry. "Why should I care if he is angry?" I say laughing. "Just don't stand so close to that guy." Jessie says walking away. I don't get away from Luke at all I actually get closer to him on purpose.

I see Hunter from a distance, he is walking our way. He is just feet away from us. "Tessa, do you want to go out sometime?" Luke asks. Why is he asking this while Hunter is a feet away from us and he looks like he could kill someone. "No she does not!" Hunter huffs.

What the hell?

Who does he think he is? I can make my own decisions, what makes him think he can make dictions for me? He is so irritating. What on earth did I do to have someone like him in my life? "Excuse me?" I ask angrily, I feel like I'm going to explode any second.

"You heard me; you are not seeing each other again." Hunter says eyeing Luke. "Hunter, nice seeing you again." Luke says giving Hunter a "bro hug" but Hunter doesn't return the hug. He is standing there emotionless but you can see the anger creeping up his face. "Wait you guys know each other?" I ask them confused. How do they know each other and why do they have bad blood? "Knew..." Hunter corrects me. He is still glaring at Luke as if he is about to rip his head off or something.

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