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Tessa's POV:

"Okay guys, if Chris comes in here just pretend that you have been in here the whole day. I'm going to wash the dishes and try to get rid of all the evidence that shows the two of you have been out of the basement." Bradley says shaking.

He must be really scared of Chris. Bradley turns around and starts walking to the door. "Bradley." I say before he walks out. He turns around and his glossy green eyes connect with mine. Good luck and please be careful." All he does is nod his head and walk out.

I feel bad for this guy I really do. I know he kidnap us but he was just doing what his shitty stepfather told him to do. I'm not angry with him at all because he's just doing his job. I can't be angry at him because this is not his fault it's Hunter's fault.

"I'm so sorry about this I'm so sorry." Hunter says with tears in his eyes. I'm so mad at him right now but I'm not going make him feel bad right now. We need to get out of here first. I never thought I would ever see him cry.

"its fine Hunter, everything is going to be okay." I assure him and if my mother does exactly as I told her we'll be out of here by tomorrow. "No it's not Tessa I put your life and my sisters life in danger. If anything happens to the three of you I would never be able to give myself." Hunter says.

"The three of us?" I ask confused. Hunter is still crying. "You, my sister and... and her baby. She is 8 months pregnant and is expecting to give birth any day now." he has stopped crying and is emotionless.


I don't know what to say. What can I say? Can this get any worse?

Bradley's POV:

After drying and putting away the last plates I run upstairs to the room Ava and Hunter was supposed to sleep in tonight. I fix the sheets and I made my way through the house looking for more evidence. After I was sure I got rid of everything that could show they were out and making sure everything was in the right place I go to my room and lay on my bed. After a while I drifted into sleep.

4 hours later:

I'm woken up by a car door being slammed shut outside. That means Chris is back. Great. It's not long until I hear the front door swing open and I can hear his heavy boots slam on the floor as he enter the house.

How exciting.

"Bradley, I'm back!" he shouts at the top of his lungs causing me to put my pillow over my head. "Yay." I mumble under my pillow. I get up and walk downstairs.

"Hey Bradley I'm so glad you finally decided to come downstairs." he says with a devilish smile on his face. "Hey Chris how was your trip." i ask but I obviously really don't care. " I'm glad you asked." he says smiling.

I'm just standing here waiting for Chris to continue talking. "I had fun at first but I didn't find what I was looking for so now I'm back." he says with that smile not leaving his face for a split second. "But enough talking about me how was your little play date?" he says the smile on his face disappears. I can see the devil manifest in his eyes.

Tessa's mom's POV:

I just pulled up in front of the police station. I tracked Tessa's phone and the location that popped-up on the app is not very far from the University. I have used this app before and it works.

I walk into the police station and see a few people standing around and one police officer filling in some forms and another one with a coffee mug in his hands. I walk over to the one with the coffee. I think he might be in his early 20's he's wearing a uniform and he has dark brown hair, blue eyes and nicely tanned skin.

"Hello miss how can I help." he ask with a friendly smile. "Hi I need your help with something." I say. "Of course that's what we're here for with what can we help you?" He asks.

"My daughter and her friend have been kidnapped." I explain to the police officer. I think I sound crazy. "So she's missing?" he asks with a questionable look on his face. "Yes." I reply.

"Since when have they been missing?" he asks while writing something on paper. "Since last night." I reply. He looks up at me. "I'm sorry but they have to be gone for at least 48 hours before we can do anything about it."


Is he serious?

I just told him that my daughter has been kidnapped and he says they have to be gone for 48 hours before they can do anything about it. "What? Do you realize that someone could be killed in a second and you want me to wait 48 hours are you crazy?" I said a little too loud. Everyone inside of the police station is now staring.


Just what I need.

"Calm down please. Wait here and I'll go see what I can do." he says. He turns around and disappears into the small room. A few minutes later he returns with a yellow file in his hands.

"Ok do you have a picture of your daughter and her friend?" He asks. I don't even know what her friend looks like. I haven't met any of her College friends yet.

"I have a picture of my daughter but not her friend." I have a picture of Jessie in my wallet. "Do you mind if I see it?" he asks. I nod my head and I reach into my purse and grab my wallet. "Here you go." I say handing him the photo. He looks at the photo and all the color drained from his face.

"Mrs. Trainor?" he ask shocked. "Yes?" I ask confused. "We're going to find Tessa." He says. "Do you know her?" I ask him. "Yeah, you probably don't remember me but me and Tessa used to be best friends in primary school." he explains. "You Mean? Taylor? Oh my goodness you have grown so much."

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