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Tessa's POV:

"I'll calm down when you fucking help her!" he shouts. What the hall is he talking about and why does he needs to be so loud? "Okay, what is her name?" a lady voice asks. What is whose name?

"Her name is Tessa Young." Hunters says. What? I suddenly feel myself being placed on something soft. Where am I? I'm moving. What the hell is happening and why can't I move? It feels like my whole body is lifeless, I can't even open my eyes.


I have been a few hours and I still don't know what is wrong with me. Am I dead? I tried to say something but it is like I'm here but not really. My mind is here but my body isn't. I still can't open my eyes to see where I am. I am going crazy.

What the hell is going on!

I feel like I could just scream! Why won't people hear me! "Hey honey." Hunter says with a sad tone. "You probably won't even hear me but people usually say if you are in a state like this you can still hear everything that is going on around you." I feel his hands burning my cold skin.

"Babe, please wake up." He says with his forehead resting on my arm. Is he crying? "You know what? From the moment we met I have hated you."

Gee thanks Hunter.

"But actually I think you are really cool and I just can't lose you. I know we have only known each other for a day but you are different and not ugly."

Thanks? Was that even a complement or an insult?

"I would never have the guts to have said that to you when you're awake." He mumbles. I am awake you idiot. "You probably say that to all of your girls." I say. I can't even roll my eyes at him right now. "Babe?" he asks happily. "Stop calling me that!" I try to shout. If I could I would have smacked him a long time ago. "She moved!" he shouts. Stop being so loud! What the hell is wrong with people? And yeah if been moving for a long time you idiot! I finally manage to force open my eyes and the bright light is blinding me. I don't say anything for a while.

He said he hate me didn't he? Well I think it is time for me to find out if he really does hate me as much as he says he does. "Who are you?" Hunter's smile immediately turns into a frown. "No,no,no,no." he says with his head in his hands.

"Nah I'm just kidding." I confess. I would love to mess around with him for a little while longer but he has cried enough for one day. He looks up confused.

"I'm kidding Hunter." I only used his name to insure him that there is nothing wrong with me. "I hate you." He says with a straight face. "Yeah you said that five minutes ago." I say without thinking. His cheeks are a bright shade of red. "You heard what I said?" he whispers so I could barely hear him. "Jip Every-single-word." I say with a small smile. His eyes widened and he kind of look embarrassed. It took me a while to notice the other guy in the room. He is short with dark brown hair and pretty blue eyes.

"So you're the Tessa Hunter wouldn't shut up about." He says stepping closer to Hunter. I wouldn't have stepped closer if I was him. Hunter punched him in the stomach. Not to be rude or anything but this guy is pretty dumb because even I saw that punch coming from a mile away. I have a feeling Hunter didn't want me to know that part.

We were all laughing for a few minutes; to be honest I actually hurt my stomach. "I'm Leeroy by the way." The guy says while kissing the top of my hand. Who even does that? Maybe he is a vampire who was born in the 1980's when they still did that. Wow, I have a very weird imagination.

"Nice to meet you Louis." He sounds like a nice guy unlike Hunter who is a complete idiot. Me and Leeroy were talking for a few minutes, well I was talking he was just flirting. Hunter just kept on eying me and Leeroy the whole time.

"I'm going to get some coffee." Hunter says with an angry tone. What is up with him? Am I just imagining things or is he always angry?

Hunter's POV:

Leeroy is really getting on my nerves. He is supposed to be my best friend but he is too busy flirting with the girl I like. I just needed to get out of that room before I remove his head from his body.

"Hey, what happened?" speak of the devil. Oh really you don't know you pissed me of because you were flirting with Tessa?

"Nothing." I simply say. "We both know that's not true. What is your problem?" Leeroy asks calmly. "What is my problem? You are the one flirting with my girl!" I say furiously. "She is not your girl Hunter! You guys only met a few hours ago so you can't go around telling people she is your girl." Leeroy snaps.

Oh if he only knew what was going on. If he only knew how much hell I have been through this past 2 months.

"You have to be kidding me! You are supposed to be my best friend and now you are going around flirting with the girl I like. God dam it Leeroy stay in your own lane!" I snap and give him a death glare before walking away.

Tessa's POV:

"Tessa! I'm so glad you are okay." Jessie suddenly bursts through the door. Doesn't this Hospital have some kind of "don't be so loud" rule? If they don't then they definitely need one.

"Yeah I'm fine." I answer truthfully. There is someone with her. "Who is this?" I ask curiously. To be honest he is kind of hot, really hot. He has chocolate brown hair with brown eyes. "This is Loki." She says while he is just standing there like an awkward unicorn.

"Hallo." He simply replies. I wave hallo and give Jessie a PLEASE-EXPLAIN look. "We met at the party and when Hunter called he offered to give me a ride." The sparkle in her eyes is unbelievable. Looks like it's time for me to play match maker.

I actually really hope they work out because then maybe she could stop trying to get me a boyfriend and spend time with her own. He looks like the kind of guy who is caring and kind.

Hunter walked in and immediately made eye contact with Loki. "Hey Loki!" Hunter says with a smile. I guess they know each other. "Hunter! What are you doing here?" Loki asks.

Hunter looks at me and then looks back at Loki. "Luke is back." Hunter says looking at the floor and Loki also looks chocked. What is going on between them and why won't they tell me? It must be something bad if everyone looks so worried about him being around.

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