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Tessa's POV:

"Why what happened?" Bradley asks. "Warning call?" He asks confused. Bradley looks at his phone shocked. "Bradley? What is going on?" Hunter asks worried.

"Chris he...uhh he's coming back and I think he knows that I let you guys out." He says with panic clear in his voice.


"So?" Hunter questions. "So? If he knows I let you out he is going to hurt me or possibly kill me!" Bradley shouts at Hunter. "Who the fuck cares about you!?" Hunter snaps. "More people care about me then you. If someone actually cared about you the police would have already found you!" Bradley snaps back.

This is where I step in and prevent that nose job I mentioned earlier. "Enough!" I say stepping in between the two of them. Bothe of them sat back down.

"So why did he say he's coming back so soon?" I question. I clearly remember Bradley saying that Chris will be gone for at least a week.

"He said something about not finding Emma....or something like that." He says causing Hunter to gasp. "Please tell me it was Emma and not Gemma." Hunter says with a pale, worried face.

"Oh yeah, Gemma, that's the name he mentioned. Why? Do you know her?" Bradley asks as I keep looking back and forth between the two of them. Hunter says nothing.

His eyes are wide open, he is clearly shocked. Who is Gemma and why does he care about her so much? He puts his head in his hands and stares at the ground for a few seconds. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Hunter are you okay?" I ask while gently rubbing his shoulder. "Who is she?" Bradley asks. "She's my sister."


He has a sister?

Me and Bradley look at each other shocked. "Oh, I...I'm sorry Bro." Bradley says sadly. Hunter's eyes are glossy and I can see that he is trying very hard not to cry. I actually feel really bad for him. To be honest I didn't even know he has a sister.

All I do is hug him. What else can I do? "It sounds like the two of you are really close." Bradley says. "Yeah, she's my little sister what do you expect?" Hunter looks like his whole world just collapsed. This is the first I have seen him care about someone else but it breaks my heart to see him this sad.

Jessie's POV:

"Norman have you seen Tessa or Hunter today?" I ask Norman worried. "No he and Tessa went on a date last night and that was the last time I saw him. Why?" he asks confused. "I know they went out on a date but Tessa never came back to the room last night and I tried to call her but there is no answer and Hunter's phone probably died." I explain to Norman.

"Maybe they are busy and don't want to be bothered if you know what I mean." he says with a smirk and his eyebrows are bouncing up and down his forehead.


Oh I forgot I was trying to have a normal conversation with one of Hunter's friends and they are not used to that because all these boys talk about is alcohol and girls.

"Can you just shut up and take things seriously for once!" I say a little too loud causing the people around us to stare.


"After staring for a few seconds they continue doing what they were doing. "Look I'm sure they are fine you just need to stop overreacting. Besides its Hunter we're talking about if anyone tries anything he would punch them a few times until they are unconscious then he will leave the person there to die..." Norman says while pretending to punch someone. He has a really big imagination. He is making Hunter sound stronger and braver than he actually is.

"I don't know Norman if I've known Tessa for so long and she would never disappear like this especially not with someone like Hunter." I say "Someone like Hunter? What is that supposed to mean?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't mean it like that, it's just Hunter isn't exactly Tessa's favorite person and even if they did decide to disappear Tessa would have at least called me by now." I'm worried because the Tessa I know would never do something like this.

"They're fine, stop being so paranoid." he says without the single bit of worry in his voice. "You don't understand. I know Tessa and this isn't something she would do."

"Fine, if they haven't shown up by 2 p.m. I will go with you to look for them and if we don't find them we'll go to the police." Norman says its 9:30 right now and I just know that I'm going to go crazy not knowing where Tessa is.

What if something bad happened to them?

What if Norman is right? Maybe he's right I'm just overreacting besides she's a grown woman, she can look after self.


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