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I’m just sitting in my room, doing some homework. It is almost dark outside and I can already hear super loud music coming from the room next to me and Jessie’s room. Jessie isn’t here and I have no clue where she could be.


My phone screen lights up as I get a new text message. Maybe it is Jessie. Nope, it is an unknown number. I am not even going to bother. I never reply to unknown numbers so why start now?

Then all of a sudden there is a knock on the door. I get up and start walking to the door but before I could open the door I spot a peace of pink paper on the floor.


What the hell. I walk to my nightstand and grab the pen.

Hey. Who is this?

I write on the peace of paper and slide it under the door.

Come up to the roof, I promise I won’t murder you.

That sounds like something a murderer would say. I overreact a lot. I have nothing better to do so why not.


I grab my favorite pink hoodie and put it on. I open the door and make my way up to the roof.

There is a sign on the door that say “No students allowed.”  This person is totally trying to get me into trouble aren’t they? I slowly open the door and I peek around the corner. There is a guy sitting on the edge of the building with his back turned to me.

I quietly walk up to him but then I walk into something that makes a lot of noise when it is bumped into. I don’t know what it is but it causes the guy to turn around.

“Hey.” I say while taking a seat a few feet away from him. “I told you I don’t bite.” Hunter says with a smirk. He is literally the last person I thought it would be.

“It is beautiful.” I say looking at the view. I can see everything from up here. “It just got even more beautiful." Hunter says looking straight into my eyes. Damn his eyes. I never realized just how beautiful his eyes really are.

We are sitting in complete silence. At times like this I think comfortable silence is overrated. He really loves to make things awkward doesn’t he?

“So why did you storm out of class today?” he asks. To be honest I think it was kind of childish of me to just run out of class like that.

“Oh it is nothing, I was just having a bad day.” I lie. “Well I hope tomorrow is better.” He says with a smile. “Yeah me too.” I say while looking at the beautiful city lights.

“So why aren’t you at the party?” I ask Hunter. “I am the party.” He says with a smirk. I was wondering what happened to big ego Hunter but I guess he is back. “No, I mean I am the one who threw the party.” Hunter corrects himself.

“Then why are you sitting up here like a loner?” I ask with a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk. “I am not a loner, you are here too.” He says laughing.  “You can be at a fun party but instead you are up here with me. Do you know how sad that sounds?” I say while playing with the bottom piece of my shirt.

“I would rather be up here before I punch Zack again.” Hunter says with an emotionless expression on his face. “So you don’t want to go finish your conversation about my butt?”  I ask with a smirk. “You know about that!?” he asks shocked.

“Oh yeah, Jessie told me.” His face is a deep shade of red. I know I am killing him right now but he deserves it. How does he think it makes me feel to know someone was talking about my butt?

“Chill out Hunter no need to blush like that.” I tease. “I’m not blushing.” He says laughing. “Didn’t your mother tell you it is not nice to lie to people?” I tease him even more.

“I’m just kidding, besides, it doesn’t surprise me.” I admit. “You aren’t?” Hunter asks confused. “Nope, in high school my butt was the hot topic of a lot of conversations.” I say laughing.

It is typical for boys to talk about girls butts isn’t it?

“That is messed up.” Hunter says while moving a little closer to me. “I know.” I simply reply. I can feel his eyes on me the whole time but I choose to say nothing.

“Tessa?” he asks, breaking the silence. “Yeah?” I ask looking him in the eyes. “Can I tell you something?” he sounds nervous. “Yeah…” his nervousness is making me nervous. “You know you are beautiful right?”


“Um…” I don’t know what to say. He is probably drunk. Then all of a Hunter starts leaning in.


What do I do? Do I kiss him back or do I push him away. Just as our lips are about to touch we hear a faded out conversation coming from behind the door.

“Shit.” Hunter says while jumping back on his feet. “What is it?” I ask confused but then I remember the sign on the door. “We are not supposed to be here.” Hunter says as he helps me up and literally drags me into a dark corner where you can literally see nothing.

The door opens and the people are laughing. It is Jessie and Loki. Just as I am about to get up Hunter grabs my wrist to stop me. “What the hell, it is just Jessie and Loki.” I stated. “I know but if they see me here with you it’s going to ruin my whole reputation.”


Is he serious right now? He is the one who was about to kiss me a few minutes ago and now he is embarrassed of me? He is an idiot who cares more about his reputation than other people’s feelings.

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