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Hunter's POV:

I got a phone call from a strange number. The guy on the other side of the line told me Justin gave him my number and said that he should get the money Justin owes him from me.

I guess that's what you get for being this desperate for friends; you end up with the wrong ones that put your life in danger because they couldn't go a day without drugs.

Looking back now I don't really know why I wanted to be friends with him. He was a jerk and he probably still is. When we get to the parking lot I start working a little bit faster while dragging Tessa with me.

"Hunter! You're hurting me!" Tessa complaints. I say nothing but walk faster. It feels like the car is still 5 miles away. Tessa violently pulls her arm away from my grip. "What the hell is going on!?" she shouts angrily. "Tessa, Let me get you back to your room and then I'll explain everything." For now I just need her to get into the car. We finally get to the car and I unlock it. Tessa throws her bag into the car. "Hallo Hunter." I hear a voice say.


Tessa's POV:

"Hallo Hunter." a voice says. He is standing in the dark but I can still see the silhouette of his body. Hunter's eyes are wide and the color has drained from his face. "What do you want?" Hunter spits.

What is going on? The guy says nothing but he turns around to talk to another guy. Hunter turns to me and whisper in my ear. "Run." is all he says.



"You owe me money." he says stepping closer to Hunter. I can now see his face. He is bald and fat; he is wearing a suit and tie. He looks like a typical rich guy.

"The guy standing next to him, who I think may be his body guard. He is muscular and he has dark brown hair and beautiful green eyes. He has tanned skin like you just came back from a two week vacation.

"I don't owe you anything." Hunter says nervously. "Look, I don't want any trouble but if you don't give me what I want things are going to get ugly." The guy calmly says.

"Chris please just-" "I want my money!" he says angrily "I don't have it." Hunter says. Money for what? Get them." Chris says to his bodyguard.

"Run." Hunter shouts. "No." I say bravely. "Good Girl." Chris says smiling. Hunter looks angry. I'm probably going to regret this later but Mr. Buff was going to catch me anyways. What's going to happen now? Mr. Muscle grabs my arm with his one hand and Hunter's arm with his other hand. "Put them in the car." Chris instructs.


Maybe I should have run when I could. No, I'm not leaving Hunter. I would rather get tortured with him than get away and worry about whether he's alive or dead. These people look dangerous.

Hunter's POV:

This guy is basically dragging us to his car and I want to yell at Tessa for not running when I told her to. Does she think this is a game? It's not. Bad things are going to happen and it's all my fault. Why didn't she just run? Run, that's all I wanted her to do but she decided to play brave.

"Get in." the bodyguard says. Without saying anything we do what he says. He immediately slams the door shut after we got in. Geez. It's not like we going to run away. Well at least I won't.

When we get out of this... if we get out of this I'm going to find Justin and kill him with my own two hands. Chris is not in the car so I assume that he is driving in his own car. Where are they even taking us? I see Tessa scrolling through her phone.

Tessa's POV:

I know Hunter is angry at me right now but he will thank me later. Right now I'm texting my mum, I'm explaining to her what happened and that I need her help. A few years ago my mum installed an app on her phone that can track my phone and I know she still has it on her phone.

She's freaking out about this but I can't deal with that right now, she just needs to do what I say. "So where are you taking us?" I ask the bodyguard. I don't know what they are going to do to us so I might as well get on Mr. Buff's good side. "It's none of your business." He snaps. This is going to be harder than I thought.

"My name is Ava." I lie. I'm not stupid enough to give him my real name. Hunter is looking at me confused. "Fine, I'm Bradley." He says. Now we're getting somewhere. "Are you going to hurt us?" I ask. He says nothing. "You look like a nice guy, a real gentleman who would never hurt a girl." I say hoping he would agree. "Yeah, I would never hurt a girl. Guys who hurt girls disgust me." he says with a disgusted look on his face. I look over to Hunter and see that he is intensely listening to our conversation.

"Yeah my ex-boyfriend he..." I need this to sound real so I start to get emotional. "...he used to hit me every time he got angry. Even when it was about something stupid." I add little sniff. "He would shout at me and throw me with stuff. "I remember this one time, it was raining and the wind was howling. One of his friends did something to upset him and he ended up hitting me and..." By now I am in full on sob mode. I notice that Hunter is getting uncomfortable with the story.

"He tried to choke me; the bruises were there for almost two weeks. After he nearly killed me threw me outside and lock the door. He left me outside in the rain. I couldn't even go to my house because my mom was working on a cruise ship for a few weeks and I was kind of depending on him to give me a place to sleep." Wow that was the saddest fake story I have ever heard.

My tears weren't even fake anymore; I was actually feeling bad for myself for something that didn't even happen. "Wow that is messed up. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that." he says. I'm glad it didn't happen.

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