Lance McClain

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Yes school isn't as glamorous as it seems, but it does get better, life will move on whether you want it to or not. So take everyday as you can, make it yours, and believe that tomorrow can be even better, because you never know who you'll meet. If you just make the right choice. 

Everyday started the same in McClain house, the youngest siblings always rose first, and the eldest helping get them ready for school before themselves. Rachel, one of the eldest was away at a hospital, being as she was diagnosed with cancer when she was about 2, today was one of her post-op check ups just to make sure everything was still running smoothly. However for me the situation was different, I've been diagnosed about 5 times since the age of 11, me now turning 18 next month it's been a rough ride. The doctors say it's not unlikely that it will come back, but i'm not dead yet so lets get on with the real story shall we?

My name is Lance Garcia McClain, yes a lame ass middle name I know. I'm currently 17 and about to experience my first day at Garrison High, a piloting and engineering school i've been dying to get into since I was like 5. Soulmates on the other hand aren't something i'm completely interested in, I mean come on! I honestly couldn't care less about seeing colors, even if it means meeting the person who's supposed to love me. But what if they don't? The whole thing is just a little to complicated for me. 

Other then the whole dying of cancer thing, I pretty much have a normal life, no complaints at the moment. 

After going through my vigorous morning routine of beauty products, showering, and hair care, I finally make my way out of my room and down the stairs to greet the rest of my family. Elisa, the youngest McClain, is sat neatly into her highchair, carefully picking up cheerios off of the clip on tray. I make my way towards her and plant a bunch of kisses on her cheek, making giggles erupt from her. I steal a cheerio off the tray and pop it into my mouth praying that it hasn't already been stuck into the babies mouth. 

" Goodmorning mama" I swoop over to her planting a singular kiss on her cheek and grabbing my lunch and suitcase as I begin to head out towards the door. Making a brisk movement i rush out the door feeling the cold air hit my face and breathing in the morning dew. 

Today was going to be the best day of my life. 



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