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(( Were getting to the end guys... I'm not ready to let these little guys goooo I'm going to miss them so much ughhhhhh... DID I HEAR ROMELLURA??))


Lance is still only on the 3rd day of his treatment. 3 more days and he already looks like he's ready to give up. 

Lotor said it was only going to get worse. and at this point he could barely open his eyes anymore and his lips were colder then usual. 

I had to leave because of Lance's family who was dying to see him. It sucked that there was only a 2 people in the room at a time rule, because to be honest. I really never intended to leave his side. 

What if he passed and I just wasn't there when he took his last breaths? I was just going to have to trust him I guess. As I made my way out of the room I shot a text over to Shiro asking him to meet me for coffee. 

I get onto my bike and decide to take the longest route to the cafe, figuring that it would take Shiro about 35 minutes too get there and i'm only 10 minutes away. I wind down the various rides dodging slow moving cars and picking up speed so I would guarantee make it through every light. The people on the side walks pass by me in a blur, their faces not even prevalent in my eyes. I take the last turn going full speed, the feeling of my bike almost all the way on it's side sent adrenaline pulsing through my veins. Shiro. Would definitely not approve. 

The cafe seems a lot happier then usual, there were less costumers then the last time, but everyone was sitting and chatting with huge smiles on their faces. I spot Shiro in the back of the cafe. But someone was with him? I walk closer cautiously going my phone from hand to hand, trying to decide if I was intruding or not. 

"Keith, Hey!" Shiro says when he see's me, he moves out of his seat and pulls me into a hug, I look over his shoulder to the stage woman at the table. was that Allura? The fucking principal? Leave it to Shiro to screw up coffee. He lets me go, moving a chair out for me to sit in and then sitting himself back down. I gulp looking down at my thumbs, finding them very interesting at the moment. 

"So Keith I heard you have a husband in the hospital." 

Boom. A shot right through my heart. I let out a disturbing laugh. I'm going to fucking punch her.

"Yeah. I do. He's probably going to die but it's fine ya know. I should probably just return to my classes like nothings happening." I scoff sending a cold look back at her. Her smile fades, replaced by a scare look, and then a confused one. 

"Keith that's not why I'm here.. I wanted to talk with you actually. See that barista over there? The one with the long blonde hair?," She motions in the direction of the cash register and employee only area. I can immediately spot her, she's pretty hard to miss if you ask me. she stands tall, probably an inch or two taller then Lance, Her hair is up in a giant messy bun and one black streak runs through it. Her arms are covered in sleeves of tattoos, but not the obnoxious kind, the ones that look like you were born with the elegant weavings on you. Like they were made for you and only you. And on her right eye there was a singular scar going through it. 

"That's Romelle, My wife," she pauses to look at her, placing a soft smile on her lips, that can only be something he's seen on Lance at least a hundred times before. " A couple years ago before we got married she found out that she had brain cancer, she fought tooth and nail to get over it and when she did, she had to give up her eye for her life. It was really hard for me. Sitting through the procedures, medical tests, screenings, and check ups but in the end it was all worth it, because she's here. And I know what we went through and what you're going through is not exactly the same, but I know what it feels like to almost be losing someone, and I wanted you to know that if you ever needed anything or anyone to talk to you could always come to me." She exchanged a bright smile, looking me in the eyes and not breaking contact, except for when Romelle's cancer was brought up. 

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