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((yeet yeet this is the last chapter before the Epilogue.. I can't say that I'm not sad. But this has been a very interesting journey and It makes me really sad to say good bye to this story... Without further or do... The pretty much last chapter of "Soulmates Klance"))


the air is thick with remorse. 

Things that happened in the past and the memories of yesterday still linger in my mind. 

I walk up the grassy hill, tombstones making appearances halfway up, I grimace at them, thinking about how mine was going to be here one day along with his. 

When I get to the tallest one I stop. Of course it was going to be extra. That's just the kind of people they were. No one is here with me today.Not even Shiro or Adam . But that's okay. I wanted to be alone anyways. I sit down and lean my head again the stone, feeling the contrast of the cold against the hot of the Texas rays.  

A wave of relief came over me. Sitting here always made me think clearer, and made me feel better. At least he's safe.

I run my fingers over the name engraved in the stone, the numbers and then the empty stone below it. No one knew what to write on it, so it was plain. I clear my throat staring backup at the sky.

"Hey Milo.... I know i know.. It's been a while since i've come to see you. You know Lance? Well he went in for his treatment a couple of days ago, and he gets out today. When he closed his eyes for the possibly last time it reminded me of you. Reminded me of the hours spent in the hospital after you got hit, holding your hand and praying for a miracle. I had to chose for you which is the hardest thing i've ever done. They should've been there. Mom and Dad. They shouldn't have left me to take care of you.. They should've stayed!" A few stray tears glide down the smooth surface of my skin before pooling at the bottom and then falling into my lap.

"I kept hearing the flat line. Over and over in my dreams last night. I felt like I was paralyzed with fear.. I couldn't even move... I kept looking over at the monitor and it wasn't flat.. I thought I was going insane. I was so scared I was going to have to say goodbye again... But he's okay.. He's alive.. Lotor said the treatment went well and it got all of it... It go all of the cancer." A smile forms on my face as my hands glide through the grass below. I pull out a couple of pieces and fumble with them.

"Pidge is doing okay too.. If you were wondering. She has a boyfriend now.. And get this! Their soulmates too. It makes me wonder if there really is something out there controlling everything.. I wonder why they decided to save Lance and not you. Why not both? I miss you little bro.. I hope I did enough for you when I could..." Deciding not to say goodbye again I make my way back to the entrance of the cemetery.

"Happy birthday..." I whisper looking back and then closing the gate behind me.



It was really dark for a long time. I couldn't hear anything around me and I couldn't see anything either. Welcome to my personal hell. I've been here a couple times before when we first started the treatment. But i felt comfort in it because it meant that I was alive. I'm alive right?

Now if you were wondering where I am right now, i'm still here.. In the hospital bed, probably surrounded by another random family member that I just don't remember because i have like 400. But this is my mind. There's nothing really here because i'm sure it's shut down or something because of all the drugs i'm on. But the last time there was pictures of Keith and my family members. And then it just got boring after that. But I could still feel their presence so it helped. Keith's is the strongest. I don't know if that's because he's with me or if it's because he's my soulmate.. But i'm glad either way. Because this is scary. I'm just chilling waiting for my own timely demise..

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