Sick Of Losing Soulmates Pt.1

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(( Sorry for the late update Ive been sick for the past 2 days and couldn't do much of anything. Thank you for waiting and thank you so much for reading, this story means a lot to me and I'm really glad I get to share it with you <3))


Me and Lance have been friends forever. We met on a school field trip to a observatory. Of course me being me I was so excited that I nearly peed myself at the sight of everything. But the one thing that. caught my eye was a boy, my age a little taller then me wearing a long sleeve shirt and some sick ass shoes. He didn't seem to have anyone with him so I went to go talk to him. 

"Hey" I say sitting next to him on the bench. 

"H-hi" He manages. 

"I'm Katie." 

"I'm Lance" 

"Well it's nice to meet you Lance."

"It's nice to meet you too." 

 And so a friendship blossomed. Lance was the first person to ever call me Pidge. One time during a presentation my brother Matt decided it would be totally hilarious to delete everything I put on there and replace them all with pictures of Pidgeons. Yeah. I practically killed him after. Lance however thought it was the funniest thing on the planet. Little 10 year old Lance fell out of his chair laughing so hard, right onto his face and broke his nose. And from that day forth he's called me Pidge. 

The Lance that I met all those years ago is the same one that I look at now. The same hair, the same knocked up converse, the same shiny blue eyes that seem to tell you about everything with one glance, his freckles and dimples, and his incredibly annoying laugh. He's just Lance. But when he met Keith. Something in him changed. His eyes were filled with more then fear and the general happiness. They seemed to over flow with love. 

My soulmate's however. did not. Milo was not a very friendly person. He was the school bully and when he found out that we were soulmates, he made it his job to make sure my life was a living hell. That was until the night of the school dance. He was crossing the road and got hit. He was in a coma for a couple years before he passed. when he passed my colors started to slowly fade. the once vibrant and blinding colors I once saw were no longer there. They were just dull memories in the back of my mind. A disease incurable by any doctor.

I used to be upset about it, but Lance helped me through all of it, and when Hunk came I felt even better about everything. It was our own little group that made me feel happy and loved. Hunk especially, he just had this kindness about him that made us grow closer as friends. And every time I see him I swear I can see specks of color in the corner of my eyes. Like a sign. 

Over the years me and hunk have had the best relationship possible. And that's why I'm here. knocking on his door. Praying that something good will come out of this. 

The door opens to reveal Hunks face, he smiles when he see's me, his face growing soft and pleasant.

"Hey" He says opening the door and stepping to the side motioning for me to come in "what's the special occasion?" He chuckles. This was unlike me of course. I've only been in Hunk rooms about 2 times since we got here. And It was only because we had projects together.

"I um.. Have to tell you something..." I say moving over to sit on the far side of his bed, not wanting to take up much space. 

"What is it? you're starting to scare me over here Pidge." He says with nothing but grace in his voice. He's done this before. Of course he has. He helps everyone. He's Hunk. Everyone loves him, and they have no reason not to. 

"So as you know... I'm not a really outgoing person. I've never been the class favorite and I never really fit in with anyone other then you and lance, well now Keith too.. And when Milo passed.. and everything faded to grey again. I was so scared. So scared I was. never going to see the bright blue oceans, the warm yellow sun, the green grass, the lilac flowers, and the orange, pink, and red of a sunset after a long day... I still think It can happen.. Some people have multiple soulmates.. It just turns out mine was a gigantic dick and couldn't even stay alive long enough or me to get used to the colors. And god I miss them Hunk," I pause to wipe a stay tear off my face as hunk rubs my back in comforting circles. " But when I talk to you.. or even hang out with you, or think of you.. I feel like I'm seeing these colors, like they are there, but they just need a little push. I guess what I'm trying to say... Is I like you hunk. I've liked you for a while and I don't know how to keep it in anymore because I think were soulmates...." I say quickly trying to get it out of the way. My heart is beating faster then ever and my hands are shaking. God why does this have to be so hard?

"Wow. Pidge... I'm - I'm flattered but I have a soulmate... And I- I think I love her....I can't just do that to somebody.. and I care.. it's not that I don't it's just.. Complicated" he says looking down at his feet, and picking at the skin on his fingers.

"no no of course.. I get it.... I'm gonna go now.. thank you for listening" I say practically running out of the dark room. How could I be so stupid... I should've never said anything. 

There are much worse things going on right now then my love life. 

Not everything has to be about me. 


(( Okay so this is part one to my 2 day valentines day special. It took me a little longer to write it because it was in a different point of view and I wanted to figure out Pidge's whole character, the next chapter will be out Tomorrow! Have a nice pre-valentines day! See you tomorrow loves! <3))

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