Sick of Losing Soulmates Pt 2

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(( Yeet Yeet. I definitely did not write this whole thing In one day, right after I wrote the chapter from yesterday. I was procrastinating pretty badlyyyyyyyy hahahaha don't kill me for these chapters I love youuuuuuuuu <3))


I wake up to warmth on my back and Lance in my arms. everyone had gone home last night and the only two to stay were shirt and Adam to make sure we didn't die in the middle of the night from some crazy axe murderer. However today Is valentines day, and I'm sure they lied the scenery as much as me and Lance do. I wouldn't be surprised if they came out here more often. 

I smile at Lances resting face, his short bangs cover half of his face and his chest slowly rising and falling rhythmically. His cheeks are dusted with freckles and his eye lashes are long and clean. He's perfect. 

"Are you staring at me again?" Lance whispers, his warm breath hitting my face and a smile tugging at his lips. I laugh and push his shoulder and he chuckles. 

"Fuck you Lance." I say turning back to face him, lifting my hand to dust his hair out of his eyes. "How can I not stare when you're just so beautiful.. How did I get so lucky?" A slight blush occupies his face as he looks contently into my eyes. someone clears their throat from behind us and we both just causing our heads to slam together. Lance makes a hissing noise and rubs his head and I do the same. 

"Sorry I didn't want to ruin the bonding moment but I think it's time we get out of the park. People probably think were homeless at this point." Shiro says extending both his hands, I grab one and Lance grabs the other. 

"Keith is Homeless. Or at least he looks like it. he doesn't need anyone to tell him he is." Lance turns to me and winks. I push him over. 

"Revenge. is. a. bitch."


We get home an hour later. well back at the Garrison. Lance is walking slowly behind me a tired look in his eyes. I walk slower and bump shoulder with him. 

"Hey still tired?" I ask keeping my eyes trained on his face. 

"yeah I just need to sit down.." He says his eye lids drooping even lower then they were before.

"Lance?" I ask again. He looks exhausted. 

"Lance?? are you okay?" No answer. I keep remembering in my head 10. 10 days after today. Lance takes another step forward and completely falls into my arms. His body starts spazzing out and blood is coming out of his nose.

"Shit Shit LANCE! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE, HELP HELP, IT'S AN EMERGENCY SOMEONE CALL FOR HELP!" I scream for anyone to help over and over again until I hear footsteps from behind me. 

"Keith? What happened! Lance? oh god I'm going to call someone okay! hmm hang on!" My head is spinning so fast I can't even tell who it is. There another person here now. A flash of orange hair, and then yellow and green. Someones shaking me but I can't seem to focus. What if this was it? what if this is the last time I ever saw him alive? no. no. This isn't it. He's alive he's in my arms and he's alive. 

I can hear the ambulance in the background. The sound of the people around me. and the warmth of Lance's body leaving mine. and then people are rushing me into a car. and then were somewhere else. Somewhere vaguely familiar. Somewhere I didn't want to be until 10 days from now. I sit down into one of the chairs trying to catch my breath. I still can't here anything but muffled noises, but I can kinda see. My heart is pounding in my ears and I can feel tears falling from my eyes. Someones shaking me again and then hugging me. 

"Keith.. Keith, Keith im so sorry. Keith are you Okay?" The ringing in my ears stop and I hear Shiro's voice coming in to save me. I look at him and he's crying too. I glance around at everyone else crowding the small hospital entrance. Lance's whole family is here and everyone else is crying too. Was that the last time I saw Lance breathing? Heard his voice fill with laughter and amusement? His eyes shine like there was no tomorrow? The last time I got to tell him I love him?

"Keith?" Another voice says. It's Ronnie this time, she's hugging herself very tightly and she has a scared look in her eyes. And out of instinct I open my arms and she hugs me. She feels like Lance. All of his siblings look like him. They all have a little part of him in them. Veronica got his looks and smile. His smile's my favorite. 

"where is he?" I find myself asking. It's like I'm on auto pilot. 

"He, he's gone Keith....." She cries a lot harder then before. 

And just like that 10 days became 0.

and my whole world came crashing down.


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