And Forget

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(( Don't worry guys nothing serious will be happening this chapter, this is mostly just a filler and a breather, and since we've been giving Lance a pretty hard time lately I'm going to address some of Keith's issues so here's a minor Angst warning for now. Hope you like this chapter and I hope it gives you more insight into Keith's character!))

I wake up from my evening nap feeling even more tired then I did when I woke up this morning. God. I look down to see Lance loosely gripped to my side breathing slowly. 'Why does he have to be so cute'. 

Of course since it's a Saturday there really isn't much to do since most of the kids went home to see their family's and get more clothes for the new week approaching. But when I explained that I didn't really have any where to go besides to Shrio and Adam, and how my real parents aren't with me anymore, Lance decided to stay with me. That is until Sunday. I'm really dreading being here all alone. I get up careful not to wake up the sleeping beauty and move over to my neatly organized vanity starring at myself, then the lights go off. With no warning my body starts to jump in it's own skin, remembering the past events that occurred in the dark.....


"K-keith stay back okay. Mommy doesn't want you to get hurt okay? I need you to come with me and stay very very quiet okay?" I quickly nod my head feeling the panic and sadness in her tone. She leads me down the worn hallway finally stopping at the foot of the basement door and opening it. 3 loud knocks are heard at the front door accompanied by my dads screaming. 

"Mommy i'm scared..." I say tears starting to fall down my face. She quickly hugs me and cups my face with both her hands. 

"Baby I need you to listen to me, Mommy loves you very much, never forget that. Daddy loves you too he's just a little angry right now so we are going to go and have a conversation. I need you to stay downstairs and stay strong for me. Don't come out until you hear nothing coming from upstairs. I love you Keith, be safe..." She said one last time before kissing my cheek and ushering me down the flight of stairs into the dark basement. 

I could hear the door opening from where I was on the stairs. The muffled cries and screams as a gunshot went off. My heart raced, blood pumping through every single vain in my body. I felt like I was going to throw up. A second gunshot. accompanied by the sound of a body hitting the floor. 

I sit there for hours in the pitch black my knees tucked tightly into my chest unable to move or stop the fast beating of my heart. Everything hurt. I didn't understand........ 

*End of flashback*

My body immediately starts shaking. 'This isn't real this sin't happening' I move around the room trying to find the bed so I can wake Lance up. But everywhere I turned there was nothing I kept walking and walking but I couldn't find anything. My head was spinning. 

Am I dead? 



I wake up to shaking coming from somewhere on the bed. I open my eyes groggily to try and see where it's coming from. It was dark in my room and the only light came from the actual room lights that were, in my opinion, way too fucking bright. I try to move my hand from where it was situated in Keith's but it wouldn't budge, mumbling started coming from the raven haired boy.

"Keith.." I tried to wake him up.

"Keith" Shaking him didn't work.

"Keith..." In a flash his eyes shot open, tears immediately pouring out of them like he was holding them in for so long. A short breath escapes his lips, then another, and another, and soon he was breathing at a faster pace then I could even imagine.

"K-Keith." I say shakily, he jumps as if I scared him, as if he didn't know I was here. He releases his grip on my hand and mumbles a quiet apology as I pull him into a tight embrace, being careful to make him feel as safe as possible.

I didn't get many nightmares but when I did I know that the one thing I wanted to feel when I woke up was safe, and seeing Keith cry at the same time only made it 20 times worse.

"What happened love?" I say drawing small circles on his back.

"My parents. They're dead Lance. They've been dead. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to feel bad for me and say things you don't mean and..." I didn't let him finish his sentence before pulling him into a kiss. After a moment or two it's over and he just looks at me, tears still flowing but less then before, I reach up and wipe the remaining tears.

"I would never treat you differently just because of your past. You did the same with me, well at least I think you did, I can't really tell," I chuckled, "Gracias, thank you beautiful boyfriend for telling me." He quickly hugs me, then tries to settle back into our normal sleeping positions. The shaking hasn't stopped but it went from violent to a natural reaction to what just happened.

"Thank you Lance... for everything." He kisses my cheek and closes his eyes, leaving me to stare at the beauty in front of me.

God how did I get so lucky ?

(( I am so so so sorry for not updating in literally a week I had a lot going on and every time I would go to sit down and write I would get distracted or I would have writers block. Either way i really hope you enjoyed this chapter it was really hard to write..... Love you all!)))

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