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I wake up to the sound of monitors around me. I try to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge, almost as if my whole body wasn't responding to my thoughts. I feel something shoved down my throat as I try to break in I start coughing, not being able to move my arms to take it out I have to wait for someone to get it out.

It felt like I had been waiting forever until I could start to move my body. Only a little bit at first and then all at once i squirmed begging anyone to take this thing out of my throat. Just as I started moving someone came in and started to take it out, air filled my lungs as I took a deep breath of anxiety in along with it.

"I'm sorry Mr.Kagone I didn't know you were awake, Your brother is here and so is the person who brought you in." She said with a sincere tone as I heard a second pair of foot steps enter the room, sounding heavier then the girls.

"Keith what happened!" Shiro said as he grabbed my arm. I felt wetness fill my sleeve as Shiro sobbed into it. I still couldn't open my eyes or talk so I lifted my arm to pat Shiro's back. I didn't even know where I was or what was happened or even what had happened. All I can remember is my whole life flashing before my eyes, before I woke up. And here I am. Sitting unable to see or speak somewhere on this godforsaken planet called earth. I wish I could be in the stars right now. I wish I could see your ocean blue eyes. I wish I could tell Shiro how scared I am. But I can't get my mind off of you. Somehow you have infiltrated my thoughts to the point where I feel less scared thinking about you. I wonder if your going to come. Or if your already here.

"You can't come in right now! It's family only! I don't care if your his soulmate or not you can't go in!" a muffled voice said in a stern tone.

"Please just let me in. Keith! Keith! god please be okay!" He screamed at the door. Lance. He is here. LANCE. Please. eyes. mouth. lungs. Please work. I need to see Lance. My soulmate instincts are taking over. I need to see him. He's upset. Please. Please let me go and see him.

"l-lance." I called in a raspy voice, sounding as if it was my first word. Shiro shot up going to the door and letting Lance in.

"Keith! Keith are you okay, I'm so sorry, I was so worried you weren't going to be okay..." He sobbed as tears dripped down onto my dry arm. My eyes slowly opened feeling like I haven't opened them in years.

Ocean. Ocean blue eyes. what i've been longing for. Those ocean blue eyes now filled with water. His tear stained cheeks. And his hand on mine. Lance. All I could smell was Lance as if seeing him in an all new light. This is my soulmate. My beautiful caring soulmate.

"L-lance." I say moving my other hand to touch his face. I want him to look at me. i want to see his ocean, his fear. I want him to give it to me. He looked up and a smile appeared on his face, tears moving around it.

"Keith." He said happily throwing his arms around my limp body. "I'm so so so glad your okay! i thought I lost you! You scared the litteral shit out of me you know that!" He said taking beaks in between to either catch his breath or contemplate what he was going to say next.

"language." Shiro said from across the room.

"S-Sorry" Lance said pulling back from his grip on me. But I didn't let go. I wasn't going to let him leave. I need him. I'm scared.

"Well i'm gonna go and get some lunch, i'll bring you some back from the cafeteria." Shiro said obviously sounding uncomfortable at the sight before him , not wanting to interrupt any bonding moments between me and Lance.

"Keith?" Lance said, his warm breath crawling down my neck sending shivers all through my body.

"Stay." I managed to blurt out before going into another coughing fit. And with that I moved over so Lance could fit on the small cot with me. He moved over laying down awkwardly obviously not knowing what to do.

I sigh cuddling myself into Lances warm body tangling our legs together and placing my head on his heartbeat like we did days ago. His heart began to beat faster ever since i moved onto him but I didn't mind because I knew mine was also doing the same thing.

I thought about the possibilities of me and Lance being together, the mere thought of that and all the scenarios I played out it my head was enough to put me asleep.

((So here's your longer chapter! I'm probably going to keep making them longer so like 1,000 words each probably, this one is only 837 but not a lot happened in this chapter, so The next chapter should be pretty lengthy, but no spoilers! I hope you all are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing this! I love you all have a good night <3))

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