9 Pt.1

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(( Heres some fluff for you children.sorry for the late chapter I literally forgot that yesterday was Monday and I spent the whole day with a literal amazing person and fuck I'm gay. Anyway there's 8 chapters after this one! were so close to the end ahhhhhh!!!! Love you guys thank you so much for reading <3))


"What about these?" I try pointing to the blue and red flower bouquet. I would say that planning a wedding is really easy but I think the fuck not. Especially when your fiancé is literally the pickiest person in the entire world. 

"I love them, But we need to change the ribbon because it can't just be one of those colors or it will look off, we should do white instead." He concludes throwing the book across the table and then placing his head on my lap. He looks up at me with a huge smile on his face. 

"Were getting married tomorrow~" He sings running his hand through the back of my hair. It was all really sudden. I know. but Lance is starting his treatment in 2 days and I wanted to get married before he can potentially die at the altar. Doesn't leave a lot of room. 

"Pftt I feel like we've been planning this forever but it's only been a couple of days. But seriously thank god were done doing everything until tomorrow because I honestly can't do this anymore. my mind feels like it's about to explode." I chuckle moving my hands to push lance off the couch and onto the floor. he laughs like a child rolling around the floor and running over multiple things in the process. 

"Would you stop throwing me on the floor your going to reduce my time on this earth with how many bruises I have from you." He smiles 

"it's an action of endearment." I explain and he grabs one of my ankles tripping me. I fell to the floor and immediately feel blood falling from my nose followed by Lance laughing like a mad man. 

"Lance... LANCE." I will never admit this but blood scared the living daylights out of me. Am I going to pass out? Nahhhhhhhhhh..... Right?

"Oh shit Dos mio Keith. Lo siento." He says pulling me off of the floor and into the bathroom. "Just keep your eyes closed and you won't see it, I'll get you all patched up. nd maybe after I can give you a sticker and a lolly pop if that'll make you feel better." He grins. My eyes are closed and I can still feel the shit eating grin on his face. I punch his arm, and he continues to work on my nose. 

"Seriously though how many more times is this going to happen before you realize that were both always going to end up on the floor?" He says amusement showing in his voice. I open my eyes to see his. Bright and blue just like always. 

"I don't know. Maybe a lot." I mumble. Pointing to my nose I ask, "Done?"

"All better sweetheart. Do I get an award for my bravery and expert wiping skills?" He questions leaning closer. 

"I don't know do you?" I whisper closing the space between our lips. I braid my fingers through his air deepening the kiss. he picks me up and carries me over to the bed, not breaking the kiss a single time. His kisses are full of love and passion, and so are mine, the perfect symmetry. I slide my hand up the front of his shirt and feel the muscles below, not quite abs but almost there. 

Memories replay over and over in my mind. 

The first time we met.

Our song.

Our first kiss.

The colors.

Blue was the only thing I could see for weeks after meeting him.

I didn't realize how much of lance took up my thoughts until he was almost not there anymore. 

But this is Lance, the Lance under my fingertips, warm and lively. I can feel his chest move up and down as he breaths, and I can taste him on my tongue.

This is Lance. 

And boy do I love him. 

More then words could ever describe. 

((And who knows maybe some stuff happened tonight that I'm not telling you :0 ;) Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee see you at the wedding tomorrow!! You're all invited. Just don't bring any croutons. Keith Hates them. Don't ask. Sorry for the late chapter and the short update! It's only because I'm working on the wedding one and that ones going to be hella long with multiple POV's and it's going to kill me. Might post Friday night. But if I post Friday I'll post another buffer chapter tomorrow instead ;-) love you guys!!! <3

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