The Garrison

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(( This part is set after Keith beats the simulator))


I don't know why it was such a big deal to beat the simulator. Wasn't that what we were supposed to do? If I knew I was going to get this much attention from it I would've never beaten it. Girls swarmed around me as he caught my eye. It was him, the kid from this morning not even phased by what just happened. Almost like he didn't care that I was some kind of legend now, since that's what everyone was telling me anyway.

 I brushed it off and started heading back to my room, but I couldn't get his face out of my mind, it's like he was everywhere. As I made my way through the door to my room I notice something sitting on the bed, I went over and picked it up. It was a tablet showing all the rankings of the class. I sigh "Or course" That's when i finally matched the face to the name. "Lance MCclain." I say under my breath as I throw the tablet back onto my bed. 

I reach for one of the towels placed in my closet and turn on the shower to the coldest setting.  I sit at the bottom of the tub and feel the cold water start to wet my hair, and soon enough it was rushing down my face leaving streaks of cool wetness on my cheeks. I wonder what he's like, maybe Lance isn't all that bad after all?

An hour later I finally bring myself to turn the nob back where it was originally and pull myself up and out of the tub that once enclosed me. I grab a clean pair of boxer briefs. I slip on some comfy sweat pants and my baggiest sweatshirt, I make my way out of my room and walk towards the cafeteria hoping I was aloud to get something to eat before passing out. I walked up to the counter and noticed a guy wearing a  bandanna sitting at one of the tables near the exit. "Hey! Aren't you that kid who beat the simulator earlier?" He screams from across the cafeteria. 

"Um yeah... My names Keith if you were wondering.  But apparently to everyone else i'm "that kid" I chuckle letting my eyes wander off his face and back to the food in front of me. I chose a warm gooey brownie that looks like it just came out of the over 3 seconds ago. I sat down at one of the closets tables being to lazy to go and socialize with Bandanna Kid. That's when I feel the table shake and I look up to see him sitting in front of me , a huge smile plastered along his face.

"Hi Keith, I'm Hunk." He says holding out his hand. I take his hand in mine as we sit there for an awkward second shaking hands.  "So This is going to sound really weird but I have this friend, His name is Lance......." Hunk continued talking but after he said Lance all i could hear were blurbs of nothing. Something about that name just made my insides churn.  "Ummm you okay dude?" I hear as Hunk words finally start to make sense. 

"Yeah.. nice to meet you hunk I gotta go..." I say as i shove the rest of my brownie in my mouth and run back off into the direction of my room.

"Hey! You!" I hear a voice say. Then. It happened. colors started to pour in from the sides of my vision. Tears poured out of my eyes without being able to control the emotion that just hit me. I got up and locked myself in my room as i slowly inched down the wall finally colliding with the floor.

"Shit." I say realizing I didn't even see who it was before running away. Whoever it was, they weren't about to find out i'm their soulmate. Maybe not ever.

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