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(( Heyyy so were nearing the end! We have 9 more chapter after this one and I want to end before the start of the new month! I will be taking a break after this fanfic is done, probably around 2 weeks before I start writing my new one. The new fan fiction is going to be short and sweet and it will probably be like 14 chapters but the chapters will be longer. Again thank you for reading! <3))


"He, he's gone Keith." 

and just like that 10 days became 0. 



I can hear people around me but thats it. static. and then nothing. 

I can't feel my hands

or my legs 

I can only feel this weird tingling sensation in my chest. Like I'm supposed to be somewhere else. 

I can't remember anything. Like who I am. or where I am but something about this feels oddly familiar. Like I've been here before. 

A shock.

And then another. 


And then a flat line. 

Is this where it ends?

a minute passes by. 

Another shock. and then pain. the ultimate pain as I'm pulled out of this reality. 

----------------------------------------- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I shoot up in the bed with a loud gasp escaping my mouth. I gasp for air like I've never been able to breathe before, the sensation feeling good on my throat, smooth like water filling my lungs. 

Everyone around me starts moving, people run out of the room and I can't tell where I am. 

People are clapping and other yelling and calling for other people. 

What is going on!?

 I slowly start to remember everything. Familiar faces start to stand around me each saying blessings and hugging me so tight I feel like I can't breathe again. and then. a flash of red. 

Ive seen it before. 

Ive felt this before. 

Ive held this before. 


He pulls back and I cup his face watching the tears stream out of his eyes like a leaky faucet. His lips break into a smile as he kisses every inch of my face and then my lips. My heart skips at the feeling of his soft lips against mine. 

I'm alive. it's not over yet. 

 He's talking to me now. I can't. hear anything he's saying though. Panic swarms me as I make frantic movements to everyone around me. Pointing to my ears and making X's with my hands. 

Doctors start taking around me but all I can hear is the painfully unsettling ring of complete silence. They start sticking things in my ears, some with flashlights on the end, some that are very cold, and some that hurt a little more then I think they should. 

They look sad. But I don't feel  sad. Keith is next to me holding my hand. i'm alive.  how can I be upset if i'm alive. 



loud noises.

the voices of everyone. 

I can hear. 


 I open my mouth to say something but it still feels sore from al the non- breathing I was doing not to long ago. 

"Lance.. Lance can you here me?" Keith says somberly, moving so I he was sitting in front of my on the bed. I violently nod my head a smile breaking onto my face. I lunge forward and hug him. And he laughs. And it's like music to my ears. 

A couple hours later and mostly everyone has left for the night, promising to return tomorrow. All except Keith. Who is tucked tight into my side and is already asleep, tears still staining his cheeks. A doctor knocks on the door. A wide grin sprawled across his face. But he looks familiar. 

"Nice to see you are recovering well. We thought we lost you there for a second." He Laughs moving farther into the dimly lit room. He's close enough now that I can see his face better. 

it's Lotor. 

How the hell  is he a doctor and  a student at the same time!?

" Oh right sorry I forgot you can't speak yet. I expect you will be able to tomorrow. I ave some really good news for you though! Now don't freak out. but there might be a way we can cure your cancer. It will require a little bit of time but it can insure you a possible full recovery and if not a possible 6-7 more years and who knows maybe by then there will be an actual cure!" He says excitedly, scanning through the many papers in his chart. 

I practically jump out of the bed, shaking Keith to wake him up. He looks up at me confused and then back to Lotor, he sits up in the bed rubbing his eyes before raising an eyebrow at Lotor. 

He explains everything again this time going into a little bit more detail. they would have to make him really sick so he can fight off the cancerous cells and then once their done with that it will take about a month to feel normal again. but it's a very risky procedure and it could possibly kill me. But I'm already dying! So I don't see why I can't try! 

I look over at Keith who is crying for probably the 3rd time today. He looks at me and smiles before hugging me. 

"You're my future." Is all he says and I understand everything behind it. 

I'm is future.

His love. 

His whole world.

He proves it to me everyday. 

And I hope he knows I think the same of him. 


9 more days. 

(( HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA I told you not to hate meeeeee because he isn't deadddddddddddddd  yettttttt. I'll see you guys Monday or possibly earlier! Love youuu <3))

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