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 (( So this is the last official chapter of this story!! We made it guys! This has been my child since last summer and I can't believe that I even got to this point. I'm very grateful for every single one of you who decided to give me a chance and read my story. Y'all are amazing. And without further or do............... KLANCE.))

"People say that only certain things are forever.

That you can't have everything you wish for.

That the small things aren't enough.

And that you have to buy expensive things and live a perfect life to be happy.

(Well whoever said that fuck you because you're wrong.)

And if you believed these things chances are you weren't going to live up to the goals you set for yourself. Because you spent so much time working on the top that you forgot about the base. And maybe there are a few of you who are going to reach those high goals you set for yourself. But at what cost? Losing yourself? Or someone you love along the way because you cared way more about the outcome then the input? I used to be one of these people. The ones who didn't care what I was doing as long as it ended up with me being rich and having lots.. And lots of cars and chicks. But what I didn't realize was when important people started coming into my life, I started to care more and more about what my future was going to turn out as. Like who was still going to be there in the future? And that's how I got here. Today, this very day, my students, all of you are graduating in high honors and I couldn't be more proud. You all have made amazing decisions, and even though I had to speak to many of you multiple times, I'm not worried about any of your futures, because I know they will be as bright as you wish them to be. So let's raise our hats. To you, and to our future as pilots!" 

Students throw their hats in the air as Lance finishes his speech looking out proudly on the many students that he has grown attached to over the years. He slides over to Keith and pecks him on the lips as some stray tears start to fall from his eyes.

After Lance's treatment worked, he and Keith worked hard to pass the rest of the semester and had many late nights preparing Keith for his summer schools test and quizzes. The whole gang ended up graduating on time and Hunk proposed to Pidge at the ceremony in front of all their classmates. Lance and Keith decided to become teachers at the garrison and help kids achieve their dreams. Allura eventually retired and Shiro became the Headmaster of the school, Adam being his trusty co- principal.

Lance ended up buying Keith and him a house after they graduated because Keith proposed and he felt like he had to make the next big move, and a couple years later, thanks to a surrogate, they had 3 kids running around their house. Filling every nook and cranny with shareable memories for ages to come. They names them, Ana, Liath, and in honor of Shiro, Little Takashi, or Taka for short.

As for Pidge and Hunk they ended up becoming co-pilots together and raised their little girl Abby. After their wedding day they decided to move out of texas and back to New York so they could be closer to Hunks family.

Adam and Shiro continued out their work and raised their new foster child until he too was at the garrison. They ended up renewing their vows and then throwing a super big party for his 16th birthday.

Rommelle and Allura took the sweet life and moved out to Hawaii after Allura resigned from her job. Romelle took the responsibility of holding their child, and Allura made damn sure that she was loved and supported throughout the whole thing. She gave birth months later to little baby Aaron.

And the rest of the characters lived on in peace, with the storm gone the sun was finally shining down upon the little place called Texas.

~ Fin ~

(( And that's it, the end of Klance Soulmate AU.... I'll have the characters do some Q & A!!))













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