Chocolates and kisses pt.1

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((right now i'm crying and eating icing in my bed watching the office and writing this, so here is some fluff for this update because we need it after all this heavy stuff we've been going though lately. Love you guys! ALSO WE HIT 300 READS OMG I NEVER THOUGHT EVEN 3 PEOPLE WOULD READ THIS I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT AND VOTE I LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!!)))


The Next Day 

I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring from my nightstand. I slowly open my eyes remembering the events from the other day. I let out a sigh and started to get ready throwing on my blue and white long sleeved shirt and my olive green jacket, paired with my favorite pair of jeans. I grab my bag and start walking down the hallway to my first class, Biology. 

The door opens 

"Goodmorning class I hope you all slept well," Grunts came from all around the room , "I said hope guys... Anyway i'm Mrs. Altea and I will be your Biology teacher for your first year here at the Garrison!" She clapped taking out her notebook to take attendance, she started calling out names that all just blurred together as multiple kids raised their hand and pondered what way they were going to say 'here'. 

That's when I heard him. How did I not know he was in my classes? I turn around to see the raven haired boy staring down at his notepad writing something. Does he not notice me? Just then his head shoots up and we make direct eye contact as I become aware of whats going on around me.

"Lance Mcclain? Lance? Hello? Lance?" Mrs.Altea said over and over again, the first couple of times I didn't hear her. 

"H-here!" I quickly say raising my head and then pinning my head to my desk for the rest of class out of pure embarrassment . Why does he have to be in my class? The next 45 minutes could not have gone by slower as I waited impatiently to go to my favorite class, Music. I always felt safe in music class, only the people who wanted to be there were here. I felt accepted and able to express my deepest thoughts in the form of song. 

The bell rings and everybody hurries to shove everything into their backpacks and run out the door. I feel a light tap on my shoulder like the tap of someone who has been dying to talk to me but at the same time is to timid to do so. 

I turn around.

((Sorry sorry, for the cliffhanger, and I use the term cliffhanger very lightly because we all know who is trying to talk to him.. Right? I don't know I guess you'll find out! I'm really sorry for not posting as much I have a lot of homework and Ive been having major major writing block which is why this chapter is really short and sucks so I apologize, the 2nd part to this chapter will be a lot better I promise!))

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