Hate Is A Strong Word

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Anne's POV

"Owww." I said as soon as I fell on a bush.

I guess I should start from the beginning...

Flashback Begins

"Diana, I'm so tired. I haven't slept at all last night. I was almost certain there was a shadow outside my window. I was hoping to say 'hello' but it never came in my room. I am so heartbroken."

I said as I dramatically laid on the ground.

"Anne, get up." said Diana as she chuckled.

"No. I am dreadful." said Anne as she continued laying there.


Diana was cut off by a voice.

"Wow. Look who it is. Little Shirley-Cuthbert."

Ughhh. It was Gilbert Blythe. The most annoying but popular guy in school.

"Hello Diana." said Gilbert nicely as I stood up.

"Can you leave?" I asked.

"I could..." said Gilbert.

"Then, leave." I said.

"I want to walk Diana to school." said Gilbert with a smirk.

"Why don't you walk your little girlfriend?" I asked sarcastically.

"Josie had to get Ruby." said Gilbert with a nod.

"That doesn't mean I want you to walk with me." said Anne, annoyed.

"You are not the center of attention, Shirley." said Gilbert with a raised eyebrow.

"Not everybody wants to be around you, Blythe." I said as I pulled Diana and we started walking away from him towards the same place... Wonderful.

"You know Diana is my friend too, right?" asked Gilbert as he stopped us by pulling Diana's arm lightly.

"Why should I care, exactly?" I asked as I let go of Diana's arm.

"Because, I said so." said Gilbert.

"That's such a smart answer, Blythe." I said sarcastically.

"Diana agrees with me." said Gilbert.

"You are wrong. Diana, it's time to go." I said as I turned to where she once stood and saw that she was long gone.

"You scared her away." said Gilbert as he crossed his arms.

"I scared her away... Right. That's why she disappeared after she had been staring at your face for five minutes." I said as I gave him a challenging look whilst crossing my arms too.

"Hello." said a kind voice that came from our right. We turned and uncrossed our arms.

"Hello, Miss. How can I help you?" asked Gilbert and I scoffed at his fake kindess.

I hate you, princess.Where stories live. Discover now