I'm Coming Home

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A year later

Gilbert's POV

"Do you think people will remember us?" asked Anne.

"They will definitely remember you." I said and she smiled.

"How come?"

"Because, you will be a writer."

"What if I don't make it?" asked Anne, saddened.

"Then, you'll be my little imaginative carrot." I said as I looked down at her in adoration.

"Okay, this has been going on for a while." said Anne with a pout to which I kissed it away.

"I'm here for the long game."

"Long game?"

"Life." I said as I hugged her and started to tear up.

As soon as we let go she got worried.

"Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong? Wait, you spoke..."

"I just can't fully believe I have you."

"It seems kind of weird that I have someone like you in my life too."

"How come?"

"Because, even though I will never be perfectly happy. You know... Because of my hair. You give me hope. You love me no matter what." said Anne as she hugged me tightly as I kissed her forehead.

"Disgusting." said Jerry as he walked up to us and we quickly let go.

"You're back. How was your stay at Jerry's parents house. I can't believe you decided to stay for a month." I said as I gave Ruby a quick hug, but she pushed me away.

"I know that it was your idea, Gilbert." said Ruby as she crossed her arms.

"Bud!" I said to Jerry and I pushed him lightly.

"So, was it alright?" asked Anne, rudely interrupting us.

"It was hell. They were nice and everything but they couldn't stop talking about how much they dislike rich people. How unfair it is for us to go to school and Jerry doesn't. His siblings attacked me. It was scandalous."

"They didn't attack you..."

"They threw water on me." said Ruby as she clapped her hands in front of Jerry's face as he rolled his eyes and turned to us.

"They put a backet of water on the door and when she opened it... The backet fell and the water landed on her. It wasn't pretty."

Ruby simply scoffed.

"That's so unfair."

"Life isn't fair, Rubs." I said with a laugh.

"It was adorable." said Diana as she walked up to us with Charlie.

"What is adorable?" asked Ruby, confused.

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