Money And Hateful Words

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Gilbert's POV

I was about to open the door, when I heard the usual shouting.

This time I chose to face it, than run away like a coward and I opened the door.

They were standing in the middle of the kitchen arguing.

"Hello....." I said, but they completely ignored me.

I nodded to myself and started clapping my hands loudly.

That got their attention and they came towards me and hugged me.

"Welcome back, son." said dad.

"How was it?" asked mum.

"Interesting..." I answered.

"Well, that just proves that money can't buy people's happiness." said dad and mum immediately got upset.

"How are we supposed to live without it?" asked mum, annoyed.

"I didn't say we didn't need it. I just said that people can be happy without them." said dad.

"We certainly aren't." said mum as she crossed her arms.

"I always get you what you want." said dad and it continued...

They were throwing insults back and forth. They didn't even take a second to think about what they were saying. I looked to my right and I noticed that dad looked a little bit dizzy.

My theory got confirmed when he fainted.

"DAD!" I yelled whilst I rushed to his side.

"Love?" asked mum, frightened.

These are my parents... No matter how much they fight. They can't live without each other.

"They doctor hasn't left yet. I'll go get him. Don't do anything, mum. Please. I'll be right back." I said and I got my coat.

I run as quickly as my legs could take me. Until I fell and got a cut on my leg. There was a little blood tripping from it, but that didn't stop me. I got to my feet and continued running. Please, don't make it be something serious.

As soon as I reached Mrs Lynde's house. I knew three things. First, I could quickly get the doctor. Furthermore, there was hope. Lastly, Mrs Lynde would tell everybody about it.

I knocked on the door and Mrs Lynde answered.

"Gilbert, how are you this day?" asked Mrs Lynde with a smile.

"Mrs Lynde, could you quickly get the doctor?" I asked and Mrs Lynde's face paled and she run to take him.

"Hello, Avonlea's future doctor." said the doctor as he came to the door.

"Sir, I need your help. My dad fainted and I need you to check and tell us if he is alright. I'm begging you." I pleaded.

"Why, of course I'll come." said the doctor and he quickly got his coat.

We run all the way to my house and I opened the door with a loud thud.

The doctor immediately kneeled in front of dad. He checked his pulse and froze. It was like looking at someone who pitted you.

"There's no heartbeat. He does not respond to stimuli, with reactions such as movement or increased heart rate. He is gone..." said the doctor, shamefully because he realized that he couldn't do anything to fix it.

Then, the room started to get dizzy as I sat on the ground and started to breath heavily.

I pulled my knees closer to myself and rolled back and forth as tears rolled down my cheeks, faster than a waterfall.

Then the door opened.

"Mrs Lynde came and found me." said my precious redhead angel as she sat next to me.

"You don't have to help me." I said weakly and Anne simply hugged me tightly.

"We're in this together." said Anne.

I held her tighter as I let out a sob. I felt Anne's grip getting tighter.

"Please don't leave me too." I mumbled on her shoulder as I allowed myself to relax.

"I'm not going to." said Anne quietly.

I unconsciously turned to my left and looked at my mum. She was sitting on the ground and she was basically crying her heart out.

I slowly let go of the hug and looked at Anne. She understood what I wanted to do and kissed my forehead and wiped the sweat I had on my face with a napkin she must of brought with her.

I went towards mum and sat next to her.

"Its my fault." said mum as she held dad's hand tighter by the second.

"It's nobody's fault." I whimpered as I hugged her.

My mum is a strong woman. She doesn't like to cry in front of others because she thinks of it as a sign of weakness, but she doesn't know that it's a sign of strength. It proves that she was strong for a long time and she just exploded. She might of didn't work but she was the one who kept this family together, no matter how often my parents fought.

I just wish that they spend less time fighting and more time with me.

"Funeral..." whispered mum.

"We'll figure it out." I said as we sat there quietly crying. Leaving a heart back as it's beat came to an end.

Mum finally fell asleep and I slowly stood up and went towards the kitchen.

I found Anne cooking a meal.

"What are you doing?" I asked, curiously but exhausted.

"I'm making some saucy chicken. I figured you would be hungry. I didn't want you to go through all the trouble." said Anne with a kind smile as she was about to get a plate for me.

"Anne... I really appreciate all the effort you went through. But, I'm not hungry. I just want to process everything." I said as I knew she would understand.

"I completely understand. I'll be out in a minute. Come to my house if you need anything." said Anne and she gave me a quick peck on the check and run out.

I walked to my room and laid on my bed. The doctor had left a couple of hours ago with Mrs Lynde when she came to see if we were alright. She is a kind woman.

My question is... Why would Gracious Heavenly father take my dad with him.

I laid on my left side and sighted. A tear fell down my cheek and before I knew it I was sobbing with a broken heart which if I could. I would use it, in order to make my dad come back.

I don't know about when I'm going to post. I'm sorry for all the sadness that this chapter caused. Bye.  ♥

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