I Died A Lot To Live A Little With You

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Anne's POV

Six words... They can either be 'I will not be with you' or 'I will give us a chance.'

I couldn't say anything.

Was I and he meant to be?

Was I the one for him?

Were we destined for each other?

I mean maybe it wouldn't be that terrible to give me and Gilbert a shot.

I opened my mouth to speak...

"Gilbert, I've known you for years. I definitely don't want to jeopardize our friendship. Although, I tried to ignore this chance of an outcome. My answer is that I-"

"Guys, is everything okay?" said Henry as he walked inside the room.

He realized the tension and he started to laughed awkwardly.

"You are... Oh, awkward. Take your time. I'll make sure Violet, won't come. But, she is like a human version of a snake, so she is sneaky." said Henry as he nodded and basically run out the door.

"He is a bit of a social awkward kind of guy." I said as I tried to change the topic.

"Does he like girls or guys?" said Gilbert with a smirk.

"Why are you interested?" I asked as I crossed my arms with a smug smile.

"No. But, I know someone who might." said Gilbert as he crossed his arms.


"Lily. Violet's sister."

"Is she vicious like her sister?"

"No, she is weird but the good kind of weird. She is talkative, energetic and loves to read books. I think you would be great friends." said Gilbert with a nod and a soft smile.

"I don't... Is she that girl that always said things like..."

Flashback Begins

"GILBERT. MY BOY IS ALL GROWN UP. I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN A YEAR. HOW ARE YOU AND YOUR LADY DOING?" said Lily as she basically chocked Gilbert with a hug.

Violet smiled proudly and pointed at herself.

"I'm not talking about you. I actually care about Gil... I would want him to have a kid whose a redhead, so his wife would have to have red hair... Anne?" said Violet as she looked at Anne, thoughtfully.

"Yes?" asked Anne, kindly.

"Would you consider marrying my Gil boy, who all he does is play with doctor's toys?" said Violet as Gilbert blushed furiously. But, that blush got replaced by a fake disgusted look immediately.

"Oh, please Anne?" said Gilbert with a scoff.

"Gilbert Blythe, is a self-centered jerk." said Anne with an eye roll.

Then, it all went downhill from there.

"I'm self-centered?" asked Gilbert, sarcastically.

"Hello, my name is Anne Shirley and I know how to perfectly spell hard words but I don't do it for fun. I do this in order to annoy me archenemy. Gilbert with a G... Blythe." said Gilbert as he mimicked Anne's voice.

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