I Was Born Again Because Of Your Love, But I Died Of The Same Reason

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Gilbert's POV

Lily is here. But, I'm not sure for how long my hearing will be, since she will basically force my ability to listen out of my system, with her shouting... She is without a doubt the craziest one of the group.

"Hello, so... I came with three strangers..." said Lily with a nervous giggle as Cole, Josie and Charlie walked inside.

"She makes it seem like it's not a big deal... She basically tangled me in order to make sure, if I was saying the truth." said Cole as he cracked his back.

"You appeared out of nowhere." said Lily, defensively.

"Well, people can obviously hear other people when they approach them. Maybe, you should check your ears." said Cole as he went towards the biscuits.

"Maybe, you should check your brain." said Lily.

We waited for Cole to snap, but they both started laughing.

"Holding hands... I see." said Charlie with a smirk.

"Disgusting." whispered Violet with a scowl.

"Yes, you are." answered Henry casually and went to take the pie out of the fridge.

"Hello, sister." said Lily with a cheeky smile.

"You don't have to say that. Nobody needs to know we're related. It will be our secret." said Violet as she looked at everybody whilst pointing at everyone.

"Okay..." said Anne, with a vacant stare.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Violet." said Lily with a smile and went to cut a piece of pie.

"Gilbert can I talk to you?" asked Violet.

I mean, she is like a human version of a snake and I just started dating Anne and I want our relationship to last at least a day...

"Go Gil. I trust you." said Anne as she let go of my hand.

I gave her a hesitant stare to which she just nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good." said Violet and pulled me away from Anne and outside the door and to the steps outside the house.

"What is it?" I asked as soon as we were away from the others.

"We can sit."

"I'm good." I said bored and Violet just awkwardly nodded.

"You know how you put apples in an apple pie, right?"

"Well, that's the entire point, isn't it?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Well, the thing that I've been meaning to ask you is..."

Then, I saw Violet looking at something behind me. But, as soon as I went to look, Violet kissed me.

I went to pull away and confront her. But, a sob behind me stopped me from doing so.

I pushed Violet away from me and turned to look.

There was my little angel crying... I went to approach her but she run away.

No... Nooo....NO.


I run after her and as soon as I went inside everybody's eyes were on me, but I completely ignored them.

I followed Anne towards her room but she was too quick and locked it.

I knocked on it, softly.

"Anne. You know me better than that. I can't lose you... I-I didn't even get to have you for more than five minutes. Open the door angel so we can talk." I slowly pleaded but all I heard on the other side of the door were sobs.

I started banging on the door, feeling hopeless that I couldn't do anything.

"Angel, open the door. " I whispered as I leaned my head on the door as silent tears started to fall down my cheeks.

She sounded so broken. She wasn't far away from me. I could easily take her in my arms. But, there was a door in the middle. It just felt like it was her wall being built all the way up again.

My eyes widen and I took a deep breath... As soon as I tried to push the door open. Diana run up the stairs. When she saw me, she gave me a blank look and knocked on the door.

When, nobody responded. Diana looked at me with sad eyes. I could see her hating being in the middle of something as tragical as this...

"Gilbert. Go. Please..." said Diana, as she pleaded me with a sad smile.

"I need to talk to her..." I said as I let out a sigh.

She gave me a look that clearly meant, that 'it wasn't the best time' and I looked down with a pout. As much as I hated to admit it. She was right. I couldn't talk to her now. I sniffled as I walked away.

"Anne. Open the door. It's Diana..." I heard Diana say and the next thing I knew was the door opening.

I quickly run up the stairs, but I was too late and the door got shut right at my face.

I stood there, silently not moving. When my sadness suddenly got replaced my anger.

"VIOLET WRIGHT." I shouted as I walked down the stairs and stood in front of her.

"What is the matter, dear?" asked Violet with a satisfied smile.

"Can you for once in your life... STOP RUINING MY LIFE?" I shouted as I started to pace.

"You should calm down, Gil." said Charlie, but I was so angry, that I snapped at him.

"Shut it, Charlie." I said and Charlie raised his hands up in defence.

Let's just say that I don't have the best temper...

"It's not my fault your own person... That you are with, doesn't trust you. So, instead of blaming it on me, try to break those walls of yours down and let her in... Wait, it's too late now... Yes, if I were you, I wouldn't bother. She will get all petty and things like that." said Violet as she waved her hands in order to make a point.

"Woooah. I think she does make a valid point." said Josie, but she quickly closed her mouth, when she saw the scowl that Gilbert was giving her. "But, I'm not right."

"Josie, just say that you're wrong. It's not that hard. Get off your high horse." said Charlie as he elbowed her on the arm, jokingly.

"My relationship with Anne, is not your concern." I interrupted them and Violet just smirked.

"You mean your previous relationship with Anne... Nobody dates a cheater, Gil. Even if they care about them in the end." said Violet as she crossed her arms.

"Get out, Violet." said Lily, fuming with anger.

Violet just scoffed, unfortunately for her though... Lily was not in the mood to fight  with her, so she simply grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door. She pushed her out and shut the door at her face, locking it quickly.

"At least the rat is out of the house." said Henry as he tried to lighten up the mood.

Lily just shook her head and Henry looked away in embarrassment.

"I was just trying to..."

"It's alright, Henry." said Cole as he patted him on the shoulder with a comforting smile.

This is today's chapter. Don't hate me too much. What's your opinion on Henry? 😂 ♥ 👏

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