Only Know You Love Her When You Let Her Go

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Gilbert's POV

I walked home and I actually hit myself on the door, not thinking that it could be closed.

My nose hurts now... Lovely.


I went inside and saw mum sitting on the couch. Not moving and obviously not speaking.

She just stares at the wall.

I went inside the kitchen to make her something, when I saw that we had some leftover food. I put it in a bowl and went towards her.

I tried to feed her something but she didn't even unknowledged me.

I sighed and I put the bowl on the table, shaking my head.

"I'm going for a walk." I said and I walked outside.

I walked to my dad's grave and sat on a bench.

"I don't know what I'm doing here. Especially, alone... You seemed like the right person to go to at a time like this. I don't know why. Maybe, I needed some closure..." I said as I looked around me.

"I had the best thing... I could ask for and I let it slip from my fingertips. How could I've been so stupid? What am I supposed to do now?" I said as I started to sob.

"Gilbert, dear are you alright?" asked Mrs Lynde as she approached me.

"I'm alright." I said as I quickly stood up and wiped my tears.

Mrs Lynde face soften and she hugged me.

"I heard what happened... Actually, I saw what happened." said Mrs Lynde.

I quickly pulled away and looked at her.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, hopefully.

"I came to visit Marilla and see how Matthew was doing when I saw Violet kissing you." said Mrs Lynde with a smile.

"God bless your gossiping skills. Let's go tell Anne. She will believe you, since you're professional in these kind of things." I said as I run away, Mrs Lynde following me with a chuckle.

I run inside Anne's house and she screamed in fear.

"I told you not to scare me like that." said Anne as she punched me on the shoulder.

"I have proof." I said as I helped myself with some water.

"This is not your house. You can't just walk in here... What's your proof?"

"Give it five minutes, my proof is around sixty years old..." I said as I sat down.

"Hello, Anne dear." said Mrs Lynde as she walked inside the door.

"Hello." said Anne, confused at what Mrs Lynde was holding.

"This is a camera. It was created around 1816 and we got one... I was testing it today and I just took countless of pictures. I came to show Marilla, but something happened and the camera wouldn't stop taking pictures and some of them were interesting..." said Mrs Lynde.

"Why are they interesting, Mrs Lynde?" I said, pretending like I didn't know. But, I caught on to what Mrs Lynde was saying.

"I'm glad you asked." said Mrs Lynde and she handed Anne the pictures.

"When did you get them?" I whispered to Mrs Lynde and she simply answered with.

"I might be a sixty year old, but I have twice more energy than teenagers like you. I simply went home and picked them up." said Mrs Lynde as she observed Anne.

"This is a picture of you two talking. In this picture Violet looks at me. At the next one she holds your face firmly as she kisses you and in the last one she looks at you with a smirk. Oh, there's a fifth one with her looking at you running away with her arms crossed." said Anne as she tried to find any other kind of details she might have missed.

Mrs Lynde gave me a nod and a smile and said.

"I'll gossip about this tomorrow." and walked away as I chuckled.

"You were telling the truth." said Anne and I looked at her.


"I'm sorry." said Anne and I went to approach her, but she was the one to flinch this time.

"I will forgive you, if you let me hold you... I missed you." I said and Anne nodded as I wrapped my arms around her, holding her unbelievable closer as I finally felt at home.

"Home doesn't have to be a place... Sometimes it can be somebody's embrace. Like yours is for me." I said as I put my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes.

"I agree, Gil-boy." said Anne and before I even realized it. I started to fall asleep slowly, on her shoulder and she quietly pulled me towards the couch, helping me lie down, putting a blanket on me.

She kissed my forehead, thinking I was asleep and said.

"I love you." so quietly that I barely heard it.

She went to walk away, but I acted as if I was woken up, startled.

"I-I... Nightmare...Anne." I fake stuttered.

"Gil?" said Anne as she came towards me.

"Can you stay here until I fall asleep?" I asked as I fake cried.

"Sure, I will stand here until you fall asleep." said Anne, with a soft smile.

"You can sit on the couch... I can make some space." I said as I pulled her to sit down next to me and I closed my eyes as I felt her playing with my hair.

"By the way, I love you too." I said as I heard Anne spit the water she was drinking.

She went to get up, but I held her hands and smiled at her.

"We... Are... Friends."

"Anne, I love you and you love me. I think we can never be friends. You and I are meant to be, like our hands perfectly fit." I said as I looked up at her and sat up.

She quickly hugged me.

"I'm scared..."

"I'm here, so you don't have a reason to be."

I yawned and Anne laughed.

"I'm going to check on Matthew."

Anne got up and I fell back on the couch, falling asleep as soon as my face hit the pillow with a smile that Bash would describe as a moke's smile.

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