Because, You're Annoying

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Cole's POV

"Anne, stop running. It's not like Violet is running after us." said Gilbert.

"How would you know that. Huh?" asked Anne as she walked inside the secret hideout, but she jumped in fright and screamed when she saw me there, casually making my sculptures.

"Hey Cole." said Gilbert and as soon as he finished his sentence, Brian walked inside.

"Hello." said Charlie as he walked inside after Brian.

"Brian, long time no see." said Gilbert as he shook his hand.

"I'm here too." said Charlie as he crossed his arms.

"I was too busy writing." said Brian as he looked at us.

"What did we miss?" asked Diana as she walked inside.

"Alright, everybody out. This is too small for this amount of people. Chooo." said Anne as she pushed them outside, coming back and pulling me out too.

"We're not cats." said Cole.

"Then, why do you have their attitude?" asked Anne, sarcastically.

"Hello?" asked Jerry as he saw us sitting on the ground like a bunch of five years olds in detention.

"Let's sit." whispered Ruby and they sat on the ground.

It was a circle. Me, Brian (Gilbert's plan), Anne, Gilbert, Ruby, Jerry, Diana and Charlie.

"Let's talk about Violet." said Gilbert as he clapped his hands.

"...I would but I have work to do. So, I'll see you guys later." said Jerry as he went to stand up, but Ruby pulled him back down.

"What happened to that evil little witch?" asked Ruby.

"That's my girl." said Jerry as he kissed her forehead.

"I'm nobody's property. But, being yours and you being mine. Might not he so bad after all." said Ruby as she pecked his lips.

"Guys... Please. We don't want to see that." said Charlie but as soon as those words left his mouth. Diana hit him on the head.

"That hurt love. But, no as much as your fall in my heart." said Charlie with a teasing smile whilst Diana blushed furiously.

I smiled widely at what was going on around me. I wish I had some tea with me... Oh well, we can't have everything.

"Together?" asked Jerry.

"No." said Diana, blushing even more.

"Yet." said Charlie immediately.

My smirk was just getting wider and wider. I turned to my left and my smirk turned into a pout.

"It doesn't need salt." said Gilbert as he explained some kind of recipe.

"Everything needs salt." answered Anne, as she crossed her arms.

"Not that."

"Because, you're an expert?"

I hate you, princess.Where stories live. Discover now