Tea And Weddings

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Anne's POV

I walked inside and that's when it hit me. Oh no oh no oh no. Did I just kiss him?

"Anne?" said a familiar yet concerned voice as I heard the person approaching me.

"Oh boy." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Anne...?" said the voice again and I turned around... Cole.

"I-I need to lay down." I whispered.

"Would you like to talk about whatever got you in this state?" asked Cole as he kissed my forehead.

"I...think I kissed Gilbert on the cheek." I said, slowly realizing what I said.

"What? Is it my birthday? Diana, come here for a second." said Cole as he motioned for Diana to join us.

"Anne, are you alright?" asked Diana, worriedly.

"She kissed Gilbert on the cheek." whispered Cole.

"Our Anne?" asked Diana, shocked.

"Yes. I can't believe it. She obviously missed but a kiss on the cheek is better than nothing." said Cole, who had his own celebration.

As I turned around and walked away with Diana close behind me.

I went inside the room that me and Diana shared and she followed me inside.

"Anne..." started Diana as I jumped on the bed.

"I hate my life." I said with muffled voice since I basically had my head inside the pillow.

"Anne, don't be over dramatic. I'm sure Gilbert is having a party with Cole right now." said Diana as she chuckled.

I sat up and wiped my tears with my sleeve.

"I just need to sleep..." I said with a pout.

"You can't sleep your problems away." said Diana as she gave me a look.

"Yes? Try me." I said as I laid back down and turned to the opposite side.

Diana sighed and let a laugh.

She kissed my forehead and said.

"Good night."

"What's so good about today in order for me to have a good night? It's more of an atrocious night."

"Then, I hope you have a nice morning." said Diana as she walked away and closed the door behind her.

Things were much easier when we fought. Or when he was dating Josie. Or when I didn't talk with him. Or before today.....

My thoughts got interrupted as sleep took over.

I woke up to the sun basically blinding me. I decided that I would pretend to be asleep for a few more minutes. But, of course things didn't go as planned.

Maybe, if I called Gilbert 'Gilbert friend Blythe' I will end up being fine.

"Princess Cordelia, please stand up." said a voice.

"Billy? What are you doing?" I asked confused as I sat up.

"Miss.We need to go. The prince is waiting." said Billy as he helped me to my feet.

"I will take it from here." said another voice and Billy nodded and left the room.

"Charlie, what is going on?" I asked worriedly.

"Dear sister. Today is your wedding of course. You don't want to keep your brother waiting to walk you down the aisle, now do you?"


"I don't have a wedding gown." I continued as I tried to snap him out of it.

"That's because Diana didn't bring it yet."

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in... I guess." I said, slowly giving up.

"Cordelia, we need to get you ready. Hey, love." said Diana as she entered the room with Ruby and gave Charlie as kiss on the lips.

Charlie and Diana.....

"You guys are dating?"

"Well, I sure don't go around calling people love." said Diana with a smile.

I took a deep breath and pushed Charlie out the door and closed it behind him.

"Now that he is gone. What is going-" I got interrupted by Diana.

"You have to get married soon, so less talking, more working."

"Who am I getting married to?" I asked, hoping to get a real answer.

"To the one you love, of course." said Ruby as she chuckled.

"And this person would be..."

"You know Cordelia... When you think of the perfect boy to spend the rest of your life with. Who do you think about?" asked Diana with a soft smile, patiently waiting for my answer.

I stared at her in shock.


"...And we're done." said Ruby with a soft smile.

"You look dashing with your puffed sleeves." said Diana and Ruby in sync.

"Thank you. Let's just get this over with please..." I said as I was really curious to see, who I was supposed to get married to.

"You look so beautiful that even angels would be jealous." said Cole as soon as he saw me.

I kissed his cheek and thanked him with a smile.

"Is it bad if I run out of the wedding?" I whispered to Cole.

He nodded and chuckled.

"Let's go." said Charlie and I linked my arm with his.

Then, the music started.

I finally looked up at the person I was getting married to... And I came across the most beautiful hazel eyes I've ever had the luck to lost myself in.

When I was in front of him. He gave me a quick hug and whispered.

"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

"That's weird but thank you." I said as I chuckled.

"I got you to smile, love." said Gilbert.

"I guess you did." I said as I looked at him in awe.

Then, the wedding continued and it was time to say our I dos.

"Do you Gilbert Blythe, take this woman. To cherish and to love. In sickness and in health. In poverty and wealth until death parts you?" asked the priest.

"I do." said Gilbert as he stared at me in awe.

"Do you Cordelia Shirley-Cuthbert take this man. To cherish and to love. In sickness and in health. In poverty and wealth. Until death parts you?" asked the priest as he looked at me.

"I definitely do." I said as I looked back at him with adoration in my eyes.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I turned around with a wide smile, but as soon as I looked at him. Let's just say he changed into a her... Josie Pye.

"AHHHHH." I yelled.

"Anne, wake up. It's a dream. Open your eyes." said a voice.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Josie.

"AHHHHH." I yelled once again and then I slowly stopped as I took in my surroundings.

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